Share your tracker videos

So it seems there’s a lot of tracker talk on the forum at the minute. Personally, I’m just getting into renoise and enjoying the ride. I thought it might be fun to share your favourite videos that show trackers in action - there’s something magical about watching those numbers scroll up the screen that evokes images of the Matrix. I’ll start by posting the classic Aphex twin video along with another beauty from Venetian Snares:


Renoise is cool. Used it for years as my sole DAW for years.

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Not my videos but there sure are some great grooves in this one:

I missed the boat so hard with trackers in the 90s. Too many hardware friends pushing MIDI on me when I was too young and dumb to understand it.
Trackers would have given me so much more of a head start.
Its turning into a big regret.
Marty, take me back to that rave I threw in 1997 just so that I can ask Kid Entropy what software he was running on that weird beige box.


here’s a bunch from my insta, last one is running three instances of renoise synced


Got some Adlibtracker in DOS (OPL3) stuff up on IG from a few years back!


Oh and uh maybe I also made my own tracker once

EDIT: Wow these links are so ugly, sorry! Fixing…


OPL3 is such a lovely sound. your tracker looks cool what kinda sound engine is it running ??

Some FM stuff made in Max, the tracker just spits out MIDI. It’s sort of the opposite of an Elektron device - a sequencer with a tracker interface hahaha. Has conditional trigs and stuff, made for live performance.


very cool! was doing some similar stuff with lgpt a while back running on a gp2x for hardware din midi~

Listened to this great buzz demo track a lot on my fathers pc, brought a tear to my eyes then and now,

i had it in 98.

Missed trackers on my amiga, damn…

A friend of mine ( a programmer) was happy that i showed him that shism tracker is on open bsd now
He thinks everything else than open bsd sucks

I tried renoise just a bit now, quickly i didnt get yet how to trig microshift and other p lock things… would be nice to plock a bit a4 style without autosave, just to mention it again, sorry

Best wishes for all and your loved ones in these times…


This just appeared on Twitter (and nothing to do with me)


Spent a few hours tinkering with my old 3DSxl and managed to get this running on it. Its SDI tracker for C64, running in VICE emulator on 3DS.

What I find interesting is its a tracker format editor for the SID chip in C64, no samples here. Such a thing didn’t exist when I actually had a C64 as a kid, it seems like SID trackers came on to the scene later and were actually influenced by the later trackers on Amiga and Atari ST.

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check out sid wizard. it’s a very powerful sid tracker

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No it’s all about DefMon tracker lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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thanks, I’ve tried pretty much all of them but there’s serious stability issues for some of them on 3DS. I had problems with SIDwizard and defmon, narrowed the stable ones down to 3 that I liked best (JCH, ninja tracker & SDI), unfortunately none of these ones can save settings as ‘instruments’ or at least I haven’t figured out how to. I think JCH editor is my fave as its actually from back in 1991 :slight_smile:

monotonik is great, try out milk/maito and inpuj