Sheet music for Octatrack

“Now, the song is on the sheet music, I read the sheet and playt the Octatrack accordingly. Using this, it makes no difference if I jump between patterns, banks and scenes like crazy chaos, cause the order is in the sheet.”

Totally agree. actually I’ve found that since I’ve started documenting my ideas much more thoroughly, It’s made me stop and consider things early on, when the compositional intent is clear, the structures themselves don’t have to be as tight as I used need them to be.

Some of you may find this useful. I wanted a form that would make taking notes on routing within a composition easy, and have it all on one page, referencing the interface itself, making things really visual and simple to understand. So I did this up. Let me know what you think! I did keep working on it a bit more past what you see in this example one, so it’s a bit more comprehensive.

I’d like to expand this into some kind of arrangement sheet music too (that references the parts/banks/patterns/scenes graphics), just haven’t quite figured out what a good visual format for that would be.

(just click on the dropbox link below)

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Ok. Here’s 3 Layouts (2 are double sided)

One is like an octa setup note pad to remember what track is doing what

One is an arrangement page based on pattern pages

the third one is just a general song arrangement grid, to plot out song sections and bar lengths and macro level stuff.

Really not sure if any of this is very useful at all, but lately it’s been helping me to write things down as I go. I must be getting old :smiley:

and a modification on the octa setup page


Thanks … great work … looks good and seems to be very useful too … :+1:

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