Shift Sequence per page?

On the digitone, it seems that using FUNC + Time (forward or back) - shifts the trigs in the sequence one step forward or backward for each press in the chosen direction. This is great, but this seems to shift each page equally no matter what page I am on. I have tried various key combinations to try and only shift/move on one page at a time but I can’t seem to figure it out. Im guessing that is a missing feature?

Any ideas?

This is not implemented.


You can always copy only one page onto a new pattern and shift it there.

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Copy a page to an empty pattern shift it and repaste back

Edit snap !!

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Beat ya by microsec^^

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I’ll raise you… save the active pattern, shift all pages, copy one shifted page, reload pattern, paste shifted page. One pattern page shuffle

Don’t do that it


Dang!!! Needs two patterns

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I guess you cold do on one pattern. Shift pattern, copy one page and paste on all pages.

But, depending on the pattern, shifting one page can result in a different sequence, than shifting all pages and taking one of them.
The workaround with using an emtpty pattern and copying one page over for shifting isn’t too bad.


Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately the copy trick would only work if the sequence was two pages long. If you are trying to use 4 pages you end up re shifting a shifted pattern again and again each copy and shift.

So im guessing the answer is, it cannot do what I was am wanting lol.

Multiple triggers can be copied and pasted once. No need to pattern and page copy.

Copying the sole page from 2-4 page patterns to a new one page pattern allows you to rotate that one page, then paste over the source page. Unless you haven’t explained what you want it will work. Manual individual(multiple) trig copying is not viable by comparison imho as you implicitly overwrite steps as yet uncopied!

It may work to scroll desired pattern page to page 1 position and shrink (temporarily) to one page length, perform rotation, then expand the hidden pages back and rotate back in place … bit of a faff but might work if no free pattern slot is available

Yes I understand that and have tried that prior to coming to the forum. Both are great little work arounds but still leave me without the ability to shift/rotate the pattern on a page per page scenario. Thank you.

What do you mean by “page per page scenanario”?

If you have four pages and wanted to shift them all, copy them onto four patterns and shift them. Paste back into original pattern.

Not what you want?

Nope, per my original ask, which I probably made extra confusing…. I wanted to be able to shift each page independently. The problem I am seeing is you can only shift all pages at once. The little hack of copying a page would work for 1 of the 4 pages. In any case, it appears what I am after is not implemented.

I appreciated everyones help!

Why not copy each of the four pages individually to a new pattern? You end up with four patterns and you’d have to do alot of copying around, but it‘s actually a quick thing to do.
After you‘re done shifting stuff around, copy all pages back to your original pattern.

Sorry, that I‘m repeating myself, but what you want to do is entirely doable.

Haha if i wasn’t making music that would be a great solution, unfortunately my creative process requires me to listen and make decisions but against the rest of the project while working on the DTone. Thanks

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Like mentioned earlier, stretch your fingers and copy all trigs on a single page , then remove them and paste one step earlier. I do this all the time :slight_smile:

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Haha, yup, its the way I’ve more or less been doing it. Was hoping for a secret keystroke from the Elektron OGs. Thanks !

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Legend has it that when you press all buttons and encoders with just one hand simultaneously, the Elektron unicorn will appear on screen.


Is that the same legend/key combo in which the screen also changes from yellow to pink!?!?!