Should I wait to update to 1.22

I want to update 1.22 - but reading all problems around here,… should I wait for a next update ? is it better to aupdate to the previous version and is that one without problems ?

I’m overwelmed by so much help and interest :slight_smile: THANX :joy:

On 1.22 here. Installed as soon as I got AK so can’t comment on if it’s better/buggy compared to previous. But seems fine. Think I read somewhere about midi/cv bugs but you’ll need to hear from others about that as I’ve only used it by itself so far. From experience you’ll prob get more response posting in A4 forum, that page seems to get a let more attention than AK.

Similar scenario here, waited only a week before updating to 1.22

Given the way I use the machine 1.22 is a must. Conditional trigs is the main reason. FM capabilities is a nice plus and some visual changes as well, like the fade in graphics.

I would search for “1.22 issues” and decide if any of the bugs could affect the way you use the AK

Thanx fellows ! :+1:

The 1.22 bug that gets at my flow the most is how the Performace assignment names are gone in the black title bar while you turn those knobs.
With 30 tunes in my A4 project, I rely heavily on those, and would wait if they’re as important to you.

Conversely, I’m relying heavily on 1.22 fill and probability trigs (especially on CV track), so am eager for an update.

Hey Adam - Thanx …
What worry’s me the most is the CV’s as I use those all the time
I have a gig in 6 weeks , and as much as I’m eager to discover the probability - and FM stuff. I prefer to wait if there’s a risk until after the gig unless the issues are not really at CV or sound-level.
But it’s hard to wait :sob: :slight_smile:

My use of the CV track is simple 4 triggers for a drum module. I imagine if I was using it for pitch work, I’d wait until those issues are fixed in the next update.

:+1: :slight_smile:

I guess you haven’t encountered any issues? I do the same (os 1.22, nord drum) and am getting odd behavior - ie. all cv channels firing on the same step when no trig exists there. Any experience with that?

I guess you haven’t encountered any issues? I do the same (os 1.22, nord drum) and am getting odd behavior - ie. all cv channels firing on the same step when no trig exists there. Any experience with that?[/quote]

Strange! Can’t figure it out…