SID Station - not properly responding to 'note off' from DAW?

Hi folks!

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I have a quick question about my SID Station. It seems like it has issues with ‘note off’ messages from my MIDI sequencer, in this case Reaper. Basically what happens is that it treats long streams of incoming 16th and 32nd notes as one long note. This is perplexing because it responds just fine to input from my MIDI keyboard, as well as from input on the virtual keyboard inside of the DAW, i.e. I can use my mouse to create a rapid succession of notes on the SID which would otherwise trip it up when incoming from the sequencer. Does anyone know what might be going on here?


I figured it out! Just in case anyone else has this issue…There’s a parameter in the system SYNC menu called HCut, which was set to off. Setting it to 1 made my SID Station properly respond to the messages which it was receiving.