Signup for Plastic Den @ Strawberry Fair in Cambridge, UK!

Hey Elektronauts!

Would any of you like to apply to play the next Open Stage at Plastic Den (The CEM Stage) during this year’s Strawberry Fair Festival?


Please take a read of the information provided before completeing the form, as while it’s definitely going to be very familiar, a few things will be a bit different, even If you’re familiar with the Open Stage over at The Blue Moon, or any similar Electronic Music Open Mic.

This is a great opportunity for electronic artists in ANY style of electronic music performance to get involved. There’s also an opportunity also for those who maybe don’t feel up to performing, but have some music that they’d like to share and hopefuly be included!

For some folks, we’re hoping to provide a first taste at performing on a festival stage, and for those more seasoned, a chance to showcase your music at Strawberry Fair the biggest free music festival in the UK!

We’re also still calling on your generosity to help fund a portion of all of the awesome kit we’re bringing in to make it an epic stage and space. If you feel like you are able to make a donation, any help is greatly appreciated!:

We’re also hosting a Fundraiser gig on the 29th April @ The Blue Moon. Expect to see and hear some awesome live performances with Digitakts, Octatracks and more…!