Simple newbie question (several patterns play at one time)

I’m new to MD so please forgive me my ignoranccy.

Can you make several patterns play at one time? I would like to make one long pattern with a very low tempo and mix it with 2 other patterns playing one after another. So I need this first pattern to be a background for the next two. (I have the mk2 uv+ version)

My quick look at the song mode tells me I can only play one pattern after another. Can it be so?

thanks :slight_smile:


You can only play 1 pattern at a time.
You could sample the pattern into ram if you have the UW, and layer that on a different pattern. Not exactly the same but will get you close.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hmm maybe I could use Analog Four additionaly? My idea is to have a synth line as a backgroud and a changing rhytm sections. I could play synh live and record it together with percussion but I’m not as precise as seqencer :slight_smile:

I do have A4 but I’m too stupid to sync it with MD …