Hopefully a simple question from a digitone newbie.
When I make a kick drum I tune it to for example F1.
But when I pick a kick drum preset it hits in the same octave but when I check the note in the trig menu it says C5… And there is no other modulation going on, the carrier is at 1.
Checked everything but can’t seem to find how that’s possible.
Many thanks for pointing it out!
Just double checked to be sure, but ratio design is identical to the preset kicks that have the C5 notes.
If I copy all pages to exactly to match the kick presets of the digitone I get a high pitched kick at C5 (what I would expect), but if these kick presets hit at C5 they sound like solid low end kicks.
Wondering if there might be something wrong with my unit
In the sound setup menu [FUNC + TRIG] the octave setting of the preset kick is -3.
When I change this to 0 the preset kick now sounds indentical to my identically programmed kick.
Apparently you can set every sound’s base octave individually in this menu.
For kicks it makes sense to lower this a few octaves.
Was difficult to find that out though, happy to have returned from the bottom of the rabbit hole.
The manual says:
9.4.7 OCTAVE Sets the base octave of the Sound. This setting makes it easier to play the sound at the “right” octave on the Digitone keyboard. It also makes sound locking more practical since you can control the octave setting on the sound and minimize the need to transpose the sequencer notes to make two or more sounds work together.