Simplify sample uploading

i’m looking for a simple way to upload samples to my new machinedrum, and i’m dumbfounded.

the first problem is that my patience is low. i’m used to working more quickly in ableton. sure hope this is worth it. :slight_smile:

i tried searching through here for info but the search results are illegible, and the manual, sorry, is not written well (IMO).

any help appreciated.

The manual does lack explanations of how things can actually be used. I hope Elektron does us all a favor and hires real technical writers in the future.


You need to download the C6 software from the Elektron site (it is buggy. Be warned that it may fail to work, in which case shut it down and reopen). Once you have the C6 software, you dump the samples into it (organize them in the order you want them to be transfered onto the MD). Once you have your list of samples in C6 you need to click the ‘digiPRO’ button, which does something to the files to make them compatible.

Make sure your TM-1 device is plugged in via USB, and MIDI IN/OUT to the MD. Also press the TURBO button.

Now, on your MD go into the SAMPLE MANAGER (in Global settings) and select ‘RECIEVE’ (keep the manual handy so you can read the details of confirming sample transfer,etc). Now in C6 click ‘SEND’. The files should start to show a progress bar as they are being sent from the computer to the MD.

See, easy as Trigonometry! :sob:

the md is flashing the message WAITING as i’m sending from C6. <<>>

won’t leave_WAITING.
means it’s not receiving i assume.

2 reboots and it worked.

ok, next questions…

i’m starting w/ a few of my favorite sounds and i’m uploading a few interesting kits from elektron (indie and uk waves). is there a smart way to look at organizing from the beginning? i’m still not clear on all the jargon.

since it appears there are 48 available slots for samples per sample bank (?) what happens if i USE the ORG and send 48+? will the + simply move to the next sample bank?

is there a way to listen to .syx files before i upload them? audition them? like this request…

Sample management on the MD is tricky. The samples live within the sound bank, within the Snapshot that contains that sound bank, and those samples are not ‘sharable’ in other Snapshots unless you copy them over. It wastes a lot of space on the drive, and makes getting to your favorite sounds a bitch.

When you transfer samples to your MD the samples will start writing into the slots at whatever point you have selected with the ‘curser’ on the MD. Samples DO NOT move or shift to make room for new incoming samples. If there’s a sample in a slot when you send new samples, they will be written over.

As far a strategies for organizing, there seems to be lots of different ways to slice that pie. I have Snapshots that contain a random collection of whatever sounds were used for that track, and I have Snapshots that contain collections of ‘presets’ that I’ve made (a Snapshot that contains ‘Analog Drums’ for example). The openness of the architecture is both awesome and confusing at the same time!

I don’t think there’s anyway to preview sysex files before loading them, but I may be wrong.

Don’t worry Danlukas. Once you’ve spent some serious time with the machine you’ll get it all sorted. The learning curve is a bit steep, but you’ll get there.

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Forgot to say, you can also sample directly into the MD and save samples that way as well. You can sample things like a synth chord, a vocal, etc. Having samples like those in the MD will blow your freakin’ mind and turn your MD into being something far beyond just a drum machine! But that’s a different topic (RAM and ROM machines).

do you use your machine drum in conjunction w/ any other elektron gear? i’m trying to decide if i want to route it through my a4.

free fall thanks for all the insight.

The effects in the A4 are really nice. I’ll take an aux stereo out from the MD or MNM sometimes. You could also use the filters in the A4 but you have to give up synth voices to do that.

I also like to sample drum parts from the A4 into the MD.

No worries man. I know how it is when you have an expensive piece of gear and all you want is for it to work. I was baffled too, when I first tried to put samples on my MD. I blame the terribly written manuals.

I only own the MD and a MnM at this point, but yes, I run the MnM as well as my old analog JUNO60 through the MD for sampling and FX. Best to keep things simple as possible though, and that’s why sampling little bits and bobs to the MD is so great - if frees up your gear for more heavy duty work.

Actually, you don’t even have to load samples to make use of external synths. Put the ROM machines in your KIT (ROM Record Machine captures the sound, RAM Play Machine plays the sound back via the sequencer) and then you can monitor the incoming sound from the external synth, and you can place triggers in the sequencer for ON/OFF of the sound. You can also P-lock those triggers and mess with filter, decay, effects, etc., so as the external synth is playing through the MD, it’s also being mangled by the MD. The sounds recorded into the ROM machines will be lost when you power down or record over, but you can also save them as permanent samples in your KIT to be used in the future! You’ll probably need help with that too, because the manual is as clear as mud on this topic. I won’t confuse you with more instructions right now though!

That may be something for you to do little later on when you get a better grasp of the MD, but when you finally do it, it will blow your socks off. I recently learned how to do all this myself, and I still can’t find my socks! :thinking:

edit: What is wrong with this forum and paragraph breaks?

(i agree this forum is rough, ugh)

FreeFall - did you load up any of the samples from elektron?

here is my step to get md acclimated and be working from it.

step1 - get familiar w/ programming and plocks [x]
step2 - upload kits, and understand file/org structure [ ]
step3 - understand live sampling ram/rom [ ]
step4 - create groove for next project [ ]

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so that wouldn’t work under the FX track? i was hoping routing would take place there… BUT then i would be missing the filters, etc.

so i guess i just answered my own question…

I played with the factory loaded stuff for a day to so, but I’m such a purist and lover of sound design that I want to create all of my own sounds from scratch (a lot of work and time, but I’m learning the machines in depth), and though I still have all of the factory sounds on my MD, I really never use them. I haven’t downloaded any new sounds from them, but I’m sure they’re great.
I like your attempt at making a plan for learning the MD. Good luck with that! I mean that in a joking way :wink:. I tried to do the same, but Elektrons sort of demand that you learn a little of this, and a little of that, all at the same time. You’ll find your way. My suggestion is to do lots of experimentation and don’t get too attached to anything in the mean time. You’re probably going to figure out your best work flow later, as you learn more, and lose some work in the process.

How long have you had the A4? If you are adept at working on that thing, then the work flow of the MD will be a piece of cake to pick up.

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I just got my MachineDrum SPS-1UW. I’ve had my Octatrack and A4 for a few weeks and haven’t had any problem sending data over USB or system via MIDI… except with the Machinedrum.

I’ve followed the directions in this thread (load samples through sample manager) and in the manual (load samples through (load samples through sysex recv) and the unit just displays “waiting…”

In both cases, C6, which is running on OSX Yosemite is able to detect the TM-1.

I’m communicating to the Machinedrum in a closed loop. I am able to send data from the Machinedrum to C6 without any problems. However, conversely, I am UNABLE to receive data on the Machinedrum from C6.

The TM-1 lights become active and respond appropriately to the send of data “out” as well as the “receive” of data “In” from C6. I believe that the TM-1 unit is functioning properly.

I’ve tried different cables in the MIDI out of the TM-1.

I’ve tried a non-Elektron usb > MIDI cable/device which I was using with the A4.

I’ve rebooted both my Mac and my Machinedrum multiple times and booted each while the other was on in case that made any difference.

I’ve not been able to connect to the Machinedrum , send patch data, samples or anything else.

I’m beginning to wonder if the device is faulty, but I wanted to post the situation here to see if there’s anyone who has found a solution other than what’s mentioned here.



Discovered the error - I was packaging wav files as sysex files using the “digipro” option in C6 as I thought this was necessary to convert the samples to SDS.

Keeping the files as waves, all is working fine now. Apologies for bumping this thread up on the forum, I only posted to it after I’d spent several hours trying different settings, etc.

If this solution was a snake, it would’ve bit me.

