Simulate crossfade on looping?

OK — is there a hack (possibly involving an LFO) that will enable me to loop a section of a synth sample (a pad in this instance) in a way that sounds like a held note and that the loop end and start are not audible?

Is there a trick to achieving this?

It would be SUPER handy for creating your own pads and synths and instruments.

You can use a square wave lfo to flip forwards and reverse I believe, which give you a pingpong style playback… wont sound right on everything but better than a jumpy loop.

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Thank you — I will give this a shot and report back!

Hmm…The sample I have is short…and I cant get the Playback mode to flip into reverse…

Not quite sure what setting on the LFO to get this to work. I assume the TRG mode is the correct one, and Depth should be at the highest setting, because we want the LFO to switch between the two most extreme opposite settings (FWD and REV).

Is there something I am missing? Is it a matter of selecting the precisely right combo of multiplier and Speed to get them to switch at the right rate?

I’ve had a bit more success now —getting it to play fwd, then reverse — but not continuously.

Also getting some pops when it switches direction.

Can sometimes get it to hold the loop endlessly when I hold the button, but then it reverts back to a single back and forth before cutting off.

Whats the trick that I’m missing?

hmm I was thinking about it again and because the LFO speed doesn’t scale with key tracking when playing across different pitches sometimes the sample will play through faster than the ping pong effect can keep up with… so I guess the only way to fully get this trick to work would be to manually tune it perstep which is definitely not ideal.

Ah, yes, that would explain the issue I was experiencing.