Single Cycle Waveforms and Wavetable Generator

I am exploring a frontend development framework and learning about synthesis, so i made a website that allows users to generate and download single cycle waveforms.

the waveforms for now are either 16 or 32 bit, with different samplerates, and are generated with a specified frequency (and some wavetables for now with user defined size).
Things to consider:

  1. I tested in Chrome and Firefox only. No devices like mobile phones or tablets (feel free to test).
  2. The code isn’t the best and i DO intend to improve the layout and functionality.

This is still an alpha release. bugs may appear.

P.S. this only is known to work in the latest google chrome version and firefox (not got around to cross browser support yet)
P.S.S. The resulting waveforms are free to use, but not for sample packs to be sold or given for free without asking for permission.

Please explore the website and give feedback. At the moment i am interested in compatibility issues. (layout or new features are not a priority for the moment)


This looks excellent, I will explore for sure!
Thank you.

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Great work so far!

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Have you tried the resulting waveforms in any software or hardware?

deadly :slight_smile: :ok_hand:t3:

Excellent idea and a very clean UI too :slight_smile:

And because no good software comes with no feature request :wink: : Could you add more descriptive filenames when saving the file ? Something like [type]-[params]-[note].wav

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Great idea.
Created an issue in the repository to do so.

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I haven’t tried it yet but I’ll download a few and give them a go in my OT this weekend if I have time.

I’ll be doing the same!

Yes and a song mode too please. :wink:

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I don’t know about the OT samplerate, but in the settings button you can choose your samplerate and bit depth (defaults are 48kHz 16-bit)

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Damn, this is awesome, great work :clap:

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This is a really useful little tool, have some cake :birthday:

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Just deployed a new version, where i added the missing generators from the single cycle version to wavetable version.
