Skateboarding thread

Holy shit!

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Talk of speed wobble is giving me flashbacks of bad slams lol


For real.


It’s super tight…the transition. But, that keeps out the riffraff. You never have to wait for 500 little kids to get out of the way. Here’s on of my fav shots…It’s before the graffiti, or they painted the ceiling. Get some.


Yeah, love this city for what it is…This isn’t skateboarding, but shows the terrain. I drove cab here for years, and would dream about jumping Russian Hill like this. 3:40 is where it’s at.


ya ive seen that vid…SO GOOD! o used to ride that super tite windy spot each day to werk. backside of Potrero Hill. I worked at Zynga for a while

@Y-NE I too am a of the Bones Brigade era. I actually skated with Tony Hawk, Ray Barbee, Lance Mountain, and Cab when our shop hosted a demo in Montreal.

but this vid gets me…[used to see Rodney lots in Santa Monica…

and I dunno if i posted this before somewhere in the forum…if you think Rodney was innovative, which he TOTALLY was, inventor of 90% of the tricks…this guy, Matt Tomasello is NUTS. he almost brings back the early days of fun in skating. some COOL shit near the end. actually the whole vid…

the music is here…


That ceiling has been repainted a billion times. Haha. The ICP graff crew did a sick piece up there back when that side area was just a waste deep trash dump for the flea market sellers.

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Yeah, we cleaned that and built the fence (constantly fixing it). There’s been a million incarnations. For a while there was a drug addict living in the entrance in a pile of garbage. Complete other world. We are the caretakers tho. People from the warehouse helped build it. Reminds me of the ditch I grew up skating. Dirtbag, beer drinkin, sketch ball life.


I can’t get over how crazy this Milton Martinez part is. The way he pushes like a madman, divebombs like a kamikaze and his expression of pure joy and relief when he lands the last trick is priceless:

And this Mark Suciu part is a work of art, what a ninja!


Also, as a group of persons who are focused on sound, how satisfying is that POP/CATCH/LAND chain when they’re separated on a long gap? And the sound of the rolling wheels before landing?

Last thing, I just remembered this video which seems to be relevant here:

Those vids are SO sick!

Biggest set…


Yeah, it’s crazy!
I always feel a bit sad to when I see Boulala there looking like a ghost. It feels like he’s being polite but inside he’s thinking “should have been me”.

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That is some serious creative thinking, never seen anyone make anything as bazar as that hinged contraption!, its like a crazy dream realized.

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That Tomasello vid. Whoa. Dude has multiple transforming boards??? When did this become a thing? Damn.

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I’ve got that barnyard reissue too!


For those of ya’ll in the back who just started following skateboarding again because of this thread


Alright, so:

  1. Sorry for not following OP’s directives.
  2. You don’t need to be passive aggressive about it.
  3. I don’t know, maybe we should rename the thread “nostalgic skate photos of our young selves” if we don’t want to chat about skate in general in it. Or should we create a “The broad skateboarding thread” to transfer all erroneous posts in?

Nah man…there are no rules in skating. Right?


My original intention was to have a thread where I could get to see other peoples skate histories and current skate scenes, but I’m not opposed to this thread transforming into whatever people are stoked on. I’d rather have a vibrant thread of people excitedly talking about skateboarding than a thread full of crickets if there arent enough people to participate under the original directives. As long as people still feel comfortable posting the stuff of themselves in a thread with a lot of pro vids than I’m cool with it! My main concern was based around a skating thread I started on a different music forum I used to post on that quickly derailed into videos of that bulldog that skates and pictures of parrots standing on finger boards posted by people who had never touched a skateboard themselves.


In the spirit of this thread growing I will post two things:
A combo I did in 2015 that I’m still really proud of

The Dylan Gravis video, anniversary of his death was recent so I’ve been rewatching this a lot lately, still a heavy part