Skateboarding thread

Nice combo, and that’s a rad garage you have!

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Thank you! I’ve had a rough couple years with injuries and health, I’m excited about the garage giving me a low impact way to get back on it!


That was tidy!


I started skating in 1975 on a little banana board with clay wheels. But I wouldn’t call it skating…it was playing.

Then in 1983 I went to my local BMX shop to get me a nice Redline RL22, when I saw the Lance Mountain on the wall. THAT is what I wanted. But it was sold. So I went downtown to Footloose Sports to go get me a Lance…but there it was, Steve Steadham. The board spoke to me. And that’s when I went from a possible BMX storyline to Skater (which is fortunate as I couldn’t do a bunny hop without eating shit).

Got my board…rolled around, and when to get up a curb…I did NOT understand how they did it. So I bought a lapper (so dumb). So I studied the Bones Brigade Video show…and analyzed the “ollie” I spent all summer out late at night, in a spot no one could see, learning to Ollie. I was hooked…


the vids may not be us…but they DO represent what inspire us to get out there and break our bones :slight_smile: not many folks had video cameras in the 80s. let alone cameras. unlike today, everyone having BOTH in their pockets

rules schmules…right? [the vid starts in the right spot, the yuppie’s quote]
after hearing that go back to the start of the vid and enjoy. THAT is what skating was like when I started. accessible. its out of the realm of most peoples ability now. freakin’ blind flips down 10, 15 set is just too deadly.

yer trick…sick combo…smooth.


This was the most game changing part back for me and my friends back then when skateboarding was our main focus. Jaw dropping :slight_smile: We couldn’t believe it.
Doesn’t look that crazy at today’s standards, but back then it was a new technical level.

And this is my favorite part of all time. :slight_smile:


The same will happen here, just give it time.
I used to be on a FB group, and the only way it was kept on track was heavy moderation from a couple people. I’m DEFINITELY more hyped on Elektronauts personal photos, the stuff I cant see is what I want to see. Otherwise I can just go to Thrasher and Jenkem WTF?

I wasn’t, I was being assertive, blunt, throughout, thoughtful, logical, specific.
There’s already a broad skateboarding presence on the internet

I tore my ACL about 4 years ago at Marginal Way (maybe 3). Bummer. At 42 that changed the way I skated. This clip is shortly after I got cleared to skate again…note, I was skating long before I got the official OK from my doctor. I don’t recommend that. I think my knee is permanently f*cked :crazy_face:


I get that, but I’m also interested in sharing more broadly about skateboard with this specific community with which I share other interests, I won’t find out on Thrasher or Jenkem

I don’t know, it felt pretty judgemental, that part about “just started following skateboarding again” was haughty and wasn’t necessary to convey your message.

Also, talking about skateboarding in general in a thread called “Skateboarding”, wouldn’t you call that … logical?

Anyway, last reply about this from me.

Not only was I being judgemental, I was trying to respect the OP’s wishes and use some restraint myself. Yes the judegemental part was very unnecessary.
And I too will let it rest at this point.
Skate or Die :wink:

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get it rebuilt. I had both done. left is made from a strip taken from the tendon that holds the knee cap. and the right was made from cadaver achilles tendon. you wear a brace for the first year after [while doing harder activities] then you can drop the brace. I used them for a few years after till I felt confident enough. don’t use them anymore. my knees are SOLID still. one rebuilt in 1993 the other in 2008. so long as you do your rehab and dont push it too fast…you will be GREAT. and for the surgery, my first, as it was a TIME ago…I was in hospital for 5 days. the new way, you are in and out in 3 hours. with only three micro scares. two little holes and one that’s about a CM long.

get it fixed. SO worth it.

adding: I pound the shit outta my knees snowboarding. no worries.


Yeah I broke my leg almost off about 5 years ago at 40
I’ve managed to do a few kickflips since then, but it’s difficult to skate these days, plus it did quite a number on my head and wallet. I was just doing frontside 5-0’s on a mini ramp. Done it a million times, but my fat old ass just couldn’t pull my leg out from underneath me slipping out.
I’m real close to getting a new set up and getting my slappy game tight tho.

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@phaelam I was in for surgery at 6am and home by 3pm. But the pain was horrible.

This was about 3-4 years ago at the height of the focus on opioids so the docs were being stingy with the relief. In the end, Ibuprofen saved the day

I had a doctor once tell me I should stop skating because I was hurting myself so much. I basically told him to go to hell :laughing:

Got this tattoo shortly thereafter


I think it’s funny when people shun skateboarding as dangerous, then drive a car to work everyday.
I got vitamin D (Dilaudid) when I went in, it’s was heavenly, but the oxy’s they sent me home with sent me straight into gross jonesing, cold sweats, high anxiety and panic attacks. FTS

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I long for thew days of being 18-25 - seems like I didn’t even know what Ibuprofen was back then

I buy it in bulk from Costco these day :laughing:

Hit a rock this morning and slid about 10 feet on my face…ouch. Probably wont feel it until I wake up tomorrow morning


Hey aren’t you in NO?

Mad kung fu skills there…heavy stylin.

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I was in Shreveport, almost NO, but then back to Dallas

Gotcha! I’ve been down there a lot lately and hitting up Humidity. Hadn’t made it to Parasite. Last time we were there in Feb. the Humidity guys were saying a homie recently got shot there and maybe we shouldn’t go. NO is dope, but gnarly!

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