Slate & Ash Cycles / Aura

I’d love a demo, since I am not sure how well the instrument would work with an s25 (as opposed to a Kontroller with more keys…).

Has anyone had an issue with dropping and dragging samples into the user patch?
I’ve been doing it happily for months and now suddenly it won’t let me. :thinking:


Had been saving up for the Cycles and Auras bundle only to see that it has jumped in price again since I last looked!!! :frowning:

That’s me done with trying to get it, it was pretty expensive in the first place, I didn’t mind paying the original price but these constant price hikes, especially mid-pandemic, when musicians income is next to nothing is just depressing.

I don’t get why they keep pushing the price up the longer it is out, can’t see the logic in it. Well, they’ve lost one customer in me as I can’t afford close to £400.

@syashdown any chance of a sale coming? I know you offer a bundled discount, but I’m interested in Cycles specifically. This just came onto my radar. Looks really great, but for me, quite pricey at the moment…