Slicing with Silences

Starting to do more sample chopping on the OT. Using it to play with audio of people talking in YouTube vids to find and modulate vocal snippets for my techno tracks

I record on the OT while I skip around in a YouTube video. This does not result in a neat file. Not neat either if I just let the video play out.

The problem I run into is that when I make a slice grid a lot of my slices have nothing in them.

Any tips for dealing with these more messy recordings as opposed to perfect sample chains recorded in 16th notes?

Dont seem to be able to delete the silences

Do I just need to prepare a nice file with ableton or an audio editor first?

I’m sure I could do this in a time consuming way such as manually add slices at each transient I like and then make a pattern with them all lined up and resample it.

Maybe I should do that, but resampling multiple times on the OT is something I have trouble with (IQ probably isn’t high enough). I know it’s one of its strengths, just not mine

If that’s the best solution that’s fine :slight_smile:

Just want to be able to be able to turn that sample start knob and have sound on every slice, even if it’s something random in there

Placing manual slices should solve this.

If you absolutely want a skngle, regular file: manual slices; arrange on the sequencer using p-locks for the slice; resample; auto-slice; save.


I usually start with a slice grid and then adjust the start and end points manually. It requires less button presses than creating every slice manually, but there’s still some manual work involved.

Maybe I’m weird, but I find it somewhat meditative to adjust and preview slices. And it feels rewarding to end up with slices in all the right places when I’m done.


Thank you both! Yeah I like how the editor works, I like how you can see what slice is playing if you open it up while playing. It helped me to understand how functions like LEN work vs. HOLD and REL.

Funny how some types of mental work don’t seem to hinder the creative process and some do. Also maybe I just need to force myself through the resampling process a few times and it will feel easier

Going to go to work on putting the grid down and then adjusting from there

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I’ve heard that people like the OctaChainer tool for creating sample chains that can then be quickly sliced with a grid. Personally I’ve never used it, because if I’m at a computer it’s faster for me to just make a sample chain in Renoise and bounce, rather than installing yet another tool. OctaChainer might have more OT-specific features… I don’t know, but maybe check that out. It could fit your use case.


Great to make unequal length sample chains for OT !

You can remove some slices, extend slice length as said, reduce slice grid (I usually 2 steps based grids, 8 slices for 16 steps for instance).

You decide slices content. OT can’t decide for you.

Important to know the 2 LEN mode in SRC SETUP.
With TIME mode LEN divide the slice length in 128, with SLICE mode, LEN value correspond to the number of slices played. Very different.

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Thanks for the detail on LEN, def did not pick that up before!

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Gonna try Octachainer today. I had downloaded it before, but never used it, since I found a pretty good sample chain tutorial from ezbot or someone that did the trick at the time