
Only getting around to using a new slots now, having used Slot One always. I assumed that slot 2 would be empty of everything but its the exact same as Slot one. Also when I change something in Slot eight it changes it in Slot One.

Is this normal.? Also is there a way to clear a whole slot?


Are you talking about sample slots in the ROM machine? Not sure I follow…

No sorry, Im talking about the 8 slots in the Global Menu.

It depends what you are changing.
Slots are for saving things like, midi routing, output routing, other internal MD functions. They are not really related to the sounds or kits you have stored already - just how those kits interact with the machine and the environment.

An example would be slot 1 has all tracks going to the main outputs, but slot 2 has a configuration where the 6 outputs act independently and different tracks are routed to different outputs.

Hmm thats kins of annoying so. Was hoping that all machines would be free.
Ah well.

Hmm thats kins of annoying so. Was hoping that all machines would be free.
Ah well. [/quote]

Do you mean that you want to clear all patterns and kits? If so, an Empty Reset would be thing to do. But don’t do an Empty Reset if that’s not what you want! Or load a different snapshot, if your MD has a +Drive.

Hmm thats kins of annoying so. Was hoping that all machines would be free.
Ah well. [/quote]

Do you mean that you want to clear all patterns and kits? If so, an Empty Reset would be thing to do. But don’t do an Empty Reset if that’s not what you want! Or load a different snapshot, if your MD has a +Drive.[/quote]
No an empty reset is not what I want. Just thought each slot would contain its own patterns, machines etc

Based on your last message, it sounds to me like you are confusing Snapshots with the 8 different setups in the Global menu.

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You could indeed be right. I know very little about snapshots. Better look it up in the manual now.

good…but especially if you have +Drive equipped unit, do you?

good…but especially if you have +Drive equipped unit, do you?[/quote]
I do indeed.

good…but especially if you have +Drive equipped unit, do you?[/quote]
I do indeed. [/quote]
Yea - you are confusing snapshots with slots.
Get ready for the good news - you have 128 snapshots vs 8 slots.

You actually still have all 8 slots for machine settings per each 128 snapshots.

good…but especially if you have +Drive equipped unit, do you?[/quote]
I do indeed. [/quote]
Yea - you are confusing snapshots with slots.
Get ready for the good news - you have 128 snapshots vs 8 slots.

You actually still have all 8 slots for machine settings per each 128 snapshots.[/quote]
That sounds good. I need to read more into this today.