Small keyboard with internal sounds?

One of the Roland Boutiques plus the detachable keyboard maybe?

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How about a totally different solution? After all you do not really want a synth but many voices, pianos, organs, some pads etc.

Why not keeping your keystep and consider adding a Roland JV / XV rack to your gear? Depending on the model this would be a cheap and very versatile solution to go. Plus you would get to pick from different sizes (from mini: JV1010, to big rack: XV5080)
After all most of the suggested great pieces of gear do not necessarily deliver as good in your preferred sound categories.

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Depending on the size of your desk, the Roland JD-Xi could fit.


Thanks for all the input guys… and great idea @chain25

Currently on the fence about that suggestion, the korg micro x and the reface DX… I’m actually more impressed with the range of sounds coming from those 2 than I expected.

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Wow! That Reface DX sounds awesome! Definitely tempting

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Not really sure how much of a keys player you are but you could check out the Arturia MicroFreak. Lots of sampling possibilities there and the ‘keyboard’ is lightning fast apparently. There’s CV/gate out too for extra Rytm manipulation.


+1 for the Reface DX, and the keys are of course mini but really nice to play.


Sonic 8bit or their fm synth. Both very small and full of features

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So far in the Yamaha Reface lineup I only have experience with the CS. It’s compact, I can get a lot of sounds out of it pretty quickly, and it has MIDI out. Oh and it does have eight voice polyphony. I’ve only had mine for a month or so but just by moving some sliders around you can get lots of different sounds. I do admit however that I’ve been watching a lot of videos on the Reface DX and it seems like an easier-to-program version of the DX7 and sounds great. GAS never sleeps!!!


I’ve had the reface CS for about five years now and it still surprises me. I find new sounds in it all the time. Sounds amazing through a big system too (I use it with my band). I’ve never seen a video online that does it justice. Great keys like all of the refaces. If I had the cash I’d get them all. Plus there are occasionally great deals on used ones.