Smaller than 1/16th Quantize?

Hey all. It looks like on the quantize settings screen (Digitone, Syntakt) that you should be able to change the quantize sensitivity, but nothing seems to change it. It’s stuck on 1/16th note. Can you not change that to something smaller like 1/32 or 1/64? Or larger to 1/8 or 1/4 notes?

You can use track scale. Double the speed to access the equivalent of 32nd notes. (Though you’re limited to 64 steps all up, so the max length ends up being shorter)


You can also use micro timing

Ok thanks. Gee, I was hoping for a way to change the quantize setting so I could play trills in real-time during live record and quantize them to make them perfect 1/64th notes. Even my old Boss DR-5 could do this. So I guess the full PPQ range is not available for quantize? You can only do it by micro timing each and every 1/64th note, one at a time? Seems like you should be able to set the quantize for any resolution. Why keep it stuck at 1/16th?


You can, by changing track scale. Try it.


you can record unquantized and then use the quantize page to gradually bring in quantization… you just have to keep in mind there is only one event perstep on the elektron sequencers so if you want to place 3 triggers between 2 steps you will need to program in ratchets or increase you track scale to make sure there is space for you to place these events.


Or use retrig modifiers… with rec quantize.

Thanks all. Handed, that works, appreciate the suggestion!

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