Smooth pattern transition

When switching between a pattern with a scale of 3/2 to 3/4 it doesn’t change in time , I have adjusted the length and change numbers to compensate but it changes on an off beat. Mod is set to TRK and PTN on different patterns . Any tips on how to make patterns with different lengths and scales smoothly transition? This has been the only problem I’ve had with this sequencer. I’m trying to switch between patterns with different scales and same length and change. Thanks

Sometimes when I chain patterns it changes as expected but usually it doesn’t, an update might fix this problem

Have you contacted Elektron support about this?

have you looked at the [change] parameter in the FUNC + PAGE page ? set it to the length of your pattern (it’s default 16, but if your pattern is 4 bars, you need to change it to 64)

That was my 1st thought, but he said: