Snapshot behaviour - do you have to save before changing?

So it seems that you have to save snapshots before loading a new one… as I found out this morning when all the kits I’d saved in one snapshot were apparently gone after loading another! I could have sworn that I’d loaded some of the factory snapshots then gone back to my snapshot, but I guess not.

Am I correct in this? I’m pretty new to it so I didn’t lose anything particularly important by not saving, better to learn these things now :wink:

Looking at the manual, it seems I should be using the “quick” menu and set the behaviour to “change” instead of “load”… what a crazy default! The MD is a rather idiosyncratic beast eh? A lot of fun though!

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Yes, you save your snapshot before changing to another one. The better is to save it regularly when reaching a point you like. So you won’t been desapointed after, another day, if changing snapshot during creative manipulations.
In another hand, the fact is that if you destroyed patterns you like, you can recall them buy reloading the snapshot, you just lost last modification. The two sides of the coin :slight_smile:

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make some copies of them on the plus drive too, it’s wise to do the same with your favourite patterns. just in case.

You always have to save your current snapshot before loading another one in case you want to keep your changes. When saving a kit it is not automatically getting stored in your current loaded snapshot. Seems a bit confusing, but I’m actually liking it a lot, because when you messed up your kit by accident (or on purpose to experiment) you can get back to your previous state in reloading the snapshot or you can keep several versions of your project as it evolves over time including your kits.

…maybe the best way to explain is: Imagine the MD wouldn’t have the snapshot feature and every time you want to backup your MD you create an exact clone of your curent MD.

That’s a great point about the upside of this being another level of “backup”. Thanks for the input all - now that I know this is the case, I’ll be more careful in future! I had been toying with the idea of wiping it clean and starting again anyway :slight_smile:

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