Snare sound design

Hi guys,

I was wondering what are your tips to program a good snare? (synth, not sample!)

I struggle to program really punchy, big sounding, perfect snare when I’m after something more aggressive… I’ve found some other people saying the same stuff in the forum, but haven’t found any answer which would make me happy. Perhaps, you guys, have any tips? :slight_smile:

Many thanks,

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Using your single LFO as a triggered envelope routed to volume will add a pop; not quite a punch, but it’s all I got. Also, overdrive. Punchy snares would be achievable with new envelope types I’d think. Maybe one day…

Yupp, exponential oneshot LFOs routed to vol or overdrive should help a bit.

I also like to add a little bit of filter with a very short envelope, sometimes.
But otherwise, like they said :+1:

When I want some retrig or short delays, I tend to lower noise decay.

My advice : focus one evening on one type of AR synth snare.
Forget the idea of creating a snare sound, use it as a synth and try to get crazy with it à la Science Lab.
One track only, no effects nor sample allowed :wink:

Then you’ll master it and KNOW what knob to play with to achieve your sound.
Or glitches, or whatever Sci-Fi sound you came up with in the experimentation…

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Thanks guys for the ideas. One shot exponential LFO on overdrive seems to add a little bit of punch, fairly realistic touch to my ears. I’ve played around with the other DST for a while and came up with tons of great sounds, however none of them would do for a good electronic snare.

I hope Elektron will perhaps introduce new machines in future updates.

Lying Dalai, thanks for the inspiration, this could be very juicy exercise… I guess I should do it for every machine one by one :slight_smile:

I’ve also found pretty good exercise – I’m recreating these with the samples

and then replacing them with the synth sounds to match the feel of the sound… great and actually very entertaining exercise :slight_smile:

Same here… i feel the snare drum (analog) is kind of two heavy and not punchy (my jomox is kind of more present)… but works perfect when adding subtile to a sample…

opens lots of crazy sounds… also feel to add a highpass mostly… otherwise its always getting to big in the subs…

parameter lock of my choice… decay, decay, decay (with low numbers and slight changes)… with the sample and the analog machine on different performance morde pads or directly on trigs… makes the thing come alive than no other gear i know :-))

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use a compressor!