So, is everybody getting out of modular?

Does it have presets? (And, to forestall the inevitable followup from someone, does it have song mode?)


Pedantically: yes and no.

Yes: Generally the way the E27 (and similar boats of that era) are sailed is with a reefable main sail, three jibs and a spinnaker or two. Before a race, the crew estimates what the wind will be like. For light wind, the full main is set, the largest jib is hoisted and the largest and lightest spinnaker is prepared. As the wind increases, you shift down to smaller jibs and reef the main.

No: your “settings” either live in your head or in a waterproof notebook, just like a modular. :sweat_smile:

Part of the draw of the E27 is that it is relatively easy to sail fast and in challenging conditions by feel. The class is strong in the SF Bay, and the boats are also frequently raced from SF to Hawaii.

On bigger boats that have a narrower performance envelope, people tend to either make sharpie marks on the boat to indicate control settings or apply graduated and numbered stickers under the control lines so that settings can be recorded for particular sail + wind conditions.

Song mode usually occurs back at the finish line / club.


True although you can definitely make some really enjoyable basic synth designs and then flesh it out with unique or unusual control methods. Basic designs generally wouldn’t call for presets anyways as long as you can recall your sequences you can dial in the sound.

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The preset thing doesn’t bother me personally, I can see why others would feel that way though.

I find something super liberating about building up a patch, jamming on it until I’m done, and then tearing it down for a nice clean slate ready to be explored again. Most of the time I don’t even record it, it’s like it was just a form of meditation that was only for me… I never see it as a waste of time.


I played a modular in one of my bands for awhile. I eventually decided I preferred working with presets even though the modular offered more special sounds. Not that the Micromonsta that replaced it is any slouch.

Anyway, it was a case of one too many songs starting and I had forgotten to twist this or that knob. I can see why performing musician flocked to synths with preset memory in the 70s.

But at home and for solo work, I much prefer my synth wysiwyg, modular or not.

Elektron boxes and VCV rack effectively killed my eurorack GAS and I am forever grateful for it.


Yeah, OT and VCV Rack are a great combination! Especially since VCV made the jump to vst and we can easily balance and polish material before sampling. VCVs midi to cv works well, OT midi lfos are great for synced modulation and you can also trig all kinds of stuff in the rack from dedicated midi tracks.
I stopped dreaming about (a) wall huge rack(s) with all crazy digital modules since.


But to play a simple chord like I’d play on my Hydra would be rather expensive.



why is shimmer so shitty? just wondering, not defending it in anyway since I have no experience, but rather because I find myself wanting a dedicated shimmer reverb so maybe some opposing views would do me some good :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like granular stuff myself, but on vox.
Not a fan of gransynth. But you can do neat stuff.

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sorry, i meant shimmer :stuck_out_tongue:
granular I don’t really pay too much attention to although I do like my beads, I am not a die hard mutable instruments fan much rather, I bought a beads on a whim, but given the current situation i thought id hold on to it for a while see what happens :stuck_out_tongue:

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personal taste :upside_down_face:


Is exactly what they want you to think…

This reminds me that I played the clarinet for almost 20 years (mainly classical music). Couldn’t save the sounds. Might be a reason why I quit. (Only halfway joking.) On the other hand, being able to dial in sounds manually and being able to go back to them without clicking on a preset is part of becoming proficient on a semi-modular or a modular system, I guess.


Buying a boat is the cheapest part of owning a boat.

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Absolutly … this was and is my personal reason, why I focus on experimental stuff only, because it’s either modular or no other option I know to get it :wink:


Let me do this for you: My 0-coast days are numbered.

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It’s not, it just has been overused until musicians got fed up with it. Non-musician listeners don’t care, but they don’t care for autotune either.

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