So, is everybody getting out of modular?

Hah, yeah that is annoying. And once you have a case, modules do seem very inexpensive, until you have too many. It can def seem like you are never satisfied. Although, like you said, they really haven’t made anything actually new is a while, so If you find the right tools, they should just do it.

Yeah, true… But, last night I set my Erb-Verb full feedback as an Oscillator and got this crazy metallic fucked up drone. The knobs say shit on um, but I didn’t have time to read them. After u turn the knob a couple times, you don’t need the hypsterglyph

Glad you lived to tell. Hypsterglyph hah!

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… I actually have some stuff, intended to sample interesting sounds, but I don’t even do that. Also, I don’t like the idea to have an awesome sound, and can’t just save it.


Yep…lots of stuff that can be done better, cheaper on a computer and sent to the rack via something like ES-8 and FH-2 to the modules that actually do something interesting. Always felt it was kinda crazy to build a synth with euro that can be purchased as hardware for way less and offers the ability to save what you’ve done.

But euro is def cool to learn stuff. I mean it does make you wanna sit down and fiddle with, for me anyways. It can get me wanting to make some noises. But I usually end up turning towards other stuff in the process. My rack has basically become a sampler with cool features.

Anyways whatever gets you makin stuff is good. I’m def not gonna dictate to someone what to use, except for a certain ‘B’rand who will remain nameless.


I’d say this is one of its advantages. No take backs. Record in the moment and move on.


Tuff for performing tracks people wanna hear :wink:

not that I’d EVER entertain performing

I’ve had that problem with all the gear I’ve used.


Horrifying :stuck_out_tongue:

I come from notated music and I love CTRL+Z.


You DO know how to save presets…yes? :wink:

RTFM :grimacing::open_mouth::rofl:

even a dolt like myself can reproduce something with hardware

On sleepless nights my mind is often found pondering which is the shittest, granular synthesis or shimmer reverb, I guess granular into shimmer reverb is probably the answer, throw in aleatoric chance based sequencing and you have the perfect storm of maximum strokage.


Haha, yeah, it’s all personal workflow at the end of the day. I don’t perform, so that part doesn’t bother me. And I rarely return to anything a second time. So being forced to make choices right there and then, and whatever is recorded is what it is, has helped me be more productive in the short time I have in the evenings. Like a destructive resampling workflow in a way. Plus, the more I do it the better I become at making those spur of the moment choices and sticking to them. At least I think so :sweat_smile:


Same same and same. I even tried to stick to an all Verbos rack, it didn’t help. I’m much happier now with my DFAM plus some choice modules in a 60hp rack, when I get the itch.

Bonus points for using all the money I recouped to buy a ‘21 Yamaha Superjet.


I think this describes the majority of YouTube modular videos


Sad but probably true.


I frequently think about this when using my Analog Four. A eurorack equivalent to the A4 would cost a fortune and still not be able to recall presets.

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A4…so sick. The ONLY piece of gear I regret selling. I listen to old stuff i did with it, still crappy tunes, but the sounds are so good.

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Me too. I have my RME Babyface sending a track with some old Reaktor ensemble (or Nord), controlled by Nord Lead sent back out to the Squid which amplifies that channel and then sends thru the modular filter/effects (recording good bits in Manequins w/ ), back into the Octatrack, into Bitwig. Cue outs from the OT going out to another 1/8", so I can unplug the Bitwig out to the Squid and have tracks from the OT going back through the Modular recorded again into Bitwig. All can be sampled and rinsed back and forth… I do have a couple oscillators too, but the sampling and effects are half my rack…Presets? Um.

Very well said.

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Same. I just vastly prefer saving presets. Could I survive without them? Probably. Do I want to deal with that inconvenience? Absolutely not.


Buchla might be the system for you. The preset manager is only USD$1650. A basic system can be had for the low, low price for USD$15,000.

For that same $15k, you can probably buy an Express 27 in decent shape, a 40 year old racing sailboat that was developed in the '70s in Santa Cruz, close in time and space to where the 200-series Buchla modules were originally designed.


Completely agree that not being able to save sounds is quiet an inconvenience and can be rather frustrating too.
Still, I’ve started a new project using only the three semi-modular Moogs (+the enjoy electronics Godfather) and it turns out to be a great journey for a whole different mindset :slight_smile:


But there is preset/macro modules, just like a lot of modules that have dedicated “save last state” and preset managment sections :slight_smile:

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