So, what do you do?

I’m a commercial insurance agent :roll_eyes: Decent money, but not my thing.

My entire life my biggest passion’s have been music & art (drawing, painting, sculpting, pretty much anything creative). I planned to go to art school, I was going to go to the Art Institute of Seattle, took the tour, got accepted (I think everyone gets accepted tho) & was about to go. But I got scared. I know it’s hard to get a job in art or music, there are so many talented people in the world & I was worried I would graduate, not be able to get a job & my mom paid all that money for nothing. So I went the safe route & got a job at my mom’s insurance agency when I was 19. Now I’m 40. Still in insurance :expressionless:

I went thru a lot with drugs, lost everything, had to build my life back up & it made me realize there are way more important things to me than money. If I could go back I would follow my dream. But it’s never too late!!!

Follow your dreams!!


Wow, awesome thread! I’m an implant surgeon (tooth implants, not boobies), husband and father of an amazing 8 month old daughter.
Music is my therapy and I couldn’t live without it.
(digitakt is a better portable instrument than mpc live, fight me :rofl:)


Not sure I’d have made that same choice between the two… :smile: :rofl:


great stuff! sound design is so fascinating.

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You can still follow your dream. You still make music, so technically you are, right?

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I have been a Industrial Electrician for 25 years.


yep! Living about 75% of my dream :star_struck:
plus I love everyone I work with, my bosses are laid back & it feels like easy money. I even get to read manuals, do research & play on forums at work so I can spend my off time living my passions! Too be honest, I feel pretty lucky.


I’ll help mix it up a bit - Avalanche forecaster and ski guide. :):snowboarder::helicopter::snowflake:


University ESL. Pays the bills and then some.

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I feel your pain, Industrial Electrician in the Seattle area. Spend 3-3.5 hours in traffic everyday in a high stress work environment.


I can relate to that. I wanted to become a police detective, but always thought that i am not smart enough, so never applied. Now i am 49 married with two children and in IT as DevOps Engineer and its too late for a police detective career. Making Music, photography and painting is my second passion and basically i only do IT to support my Family, and finance my passion for creating Art, music, Pictures…If i will retire i wont miss the IT Job…


I made a thread for this, but I want some more critical feedback on the sound for this video. I plan on including this in my portfolio so I can apply to sound design jobs!! Very excited and nervous!


Accountant for a fishing company North of Seattle.


3D animator, Maya/Max/XSI/Houdini for 20 years. Been out of werk for, coming up on, 4 years now. :frowning:


I’m a mental health nurse by background… currently working part time in an assessment clinic and part time as DBT therapist. Both jobs in the NHS in the Uk



I work at a synth shop in Seattle. Cool thread!


3D animator here too, but just with Maya/XSI i was out of work for a year before getting a job in mocap :sweat_smile: but im on TV series work now and its stressful, on a month to month rolling contract!

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I am working as a Software Engineer/Technical Consultant for over two decades now. Good money, interesting projects and since I found the correct company, a perfect work/live balance. Enough work to get my expensive hobbies running (Music, Big Model Aircrafts, Outdoor cooking) and enough time to spent that money :stuck_out_tongue: