So, what do you do?

Oh wow, you guys!
I went from the kitchen to the computer, and retrospectively it feels a bit like a “pick-your-poison” type of situation. Good teamspirit but miserable working rewards, vs. soulless office but healthy pay.

Maybe I should keep looking for something else as well.


Senior concept artist at a global media production company. Worked in video games before that. Had one hobby ruined by going professional so music is my happy fun times place now :slight_smile:


I tried 3x to join Nintendo, but only got a Job offer for Playtest - i wanted to be in their IT department - I declined to not ruin games for me.

I am a network /(SD-WAN) engineer today.


Oh, I still enjoy games! It’s the drawing part that’s ruined :joy: But yes, testing/qa can suck the joy out of things very quickly.

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Front end developer here. Doing it for almost 8 years now and i slowly gravitate into woodworking. It’s nice to work on something tangible.


I went from I.T., specifically working at IBM, to Bike Messenger for 6.5 years. The first day at work it felt like coming home. It’s now been 7 years since then and I have messenger dreams at least once a week. Miss it dearly.

I work in telecommunications now. Installation, programming, and support for Mitel systems and a cloud based offering we have. Been at it for close to 5 years. I’m either working from home or on the go. I realized a long time ago that I do not work well chained to a desk. I enjoy working with technology and people. My current job is a good balance of both.


I planned to open a small coffee place last year when I quit my job of course something got in the way of that. We then planned from January 2021 onwards to start looking around in Crete to relocate, but something got in the way again, same same thing.

Now I am thinking to get a really shitty part-time job to come back home to and feel good about the fact that I actually don’t need that job anyway but am waiting for better things to come. Am looking into (online) education.

I am a mess :sunglasses:
Good things come from being a mess :nerd_face:


Work wise I’ve been putting myself through uni as a commercial cleaner for the past several years. Had to report my last employer for wage theft a few weeks back; which seems to be absolutely rife in the industry. Getting real fkn tired of this shit to the point of being pretty much done with cleaning or labouring in general. Think I’d rather try to survive on welfare given the current job market conditions in Australia.

Career wise, graduated environmental engineering end of 2019 then COVID happened so the grad market shat itself. Had a few hiccups with grad school last year (state borders closing etc) but this year I’ve started a Masters of IT (Data Analysis) with a plan to focus on hydrology/water modelling.


That’s awesome! Is it River View?

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We take our dog to the local cemetery a couple of times a week as its quiet with no other dogs and on the way to a woodland. Its really beautiful and peaceful.

I’m an arborist at a cemetery/arboretum. I think about getting a “better” job, but then I wonder how happy I would be after getting used to working outdoors for 12 years.


Plus, the patrons are dead quiet.

o__o I’ll show myself out.


I am a scuba diver instructor and guide in the straight of Gibraltar.
Work keeps me busy 6/8 months then it is up to me to fill my days.


full-time copywriter with the occasional music/audio-related gig. planning to quit my current full-time thing this spring so will be on the hunt for freelance copywriting/editing/proofreading work as I try to make more time for music and nurturing my little bandcamp label.


It is Riverview! Wish me luck!

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That sounds awesome. I’d LOVE to get away from the computer [animator]. But I don’t know what I can do. Have no background in anything else…and am old.

[5 years, still no job :frowning: ]

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I am a mix engineer, used to be a club DJ for over a decade and quit back in '14, and now do DJ sets for a gym franchise, and also do post production for podcasts, audio restoration and the like. But my focus is to only mix records for other artists. I do do that but want that to be my only thing. :grinning:

I also produce and release my own music when I have free time.


I run an innovation & development consultancy and a small commercial label here in Berlin. Work as coach, consultant and keynote speaker for my own company as well, so I wear plenty of hats.

Covid’s been a challenge for everyone, i say to all my friends it’s a good time to turn inward and remind ourselves what truly matters. So in a way my only real job is to do my karma yoga :slight_smile:


working outside can be very gratifying. some of my fondest work memories are from landscaping and grounds crew work a lifetime ago. it can also be very tough, of course. good luck!

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Yes, it depends on the rhythm for me. My strange warm season job is mostly shoveling the path and other stuff in a natural parc. When i have to do it in long days with the rangers its tough for me. They are wonderful people. Its just when I have to get up very early i cant sleep well and also the long never ending days. When i can do it my own i have no problem getting up early and do my own rhythm. Best days are just picking up trash, there i can have long naps, watch the river and read elektronauts.
Edited: picking up trash, not thrash. (Btw: Slayer! :metal:)