So, what do you do?

Any design engineers here? My field is mechatronics which is a mix of mechanical and electrical engineering. Used to design special machinery for the car and electrical industry. I was heavily involved in designing an assembly and test line for a radar sensors which is now doing its thing a Volkswagen Golf series for example.


Since my last post Iā€™ve been working in medical Vr for about 18 months. Itā€™s very different from games ( eyeball surgery for reference material ) ā€¦ but also has similarities.
Iā€™ve been recently trying to hire a ui/ux artist for projects ā€¦( I wonā€™t be popular with this comment ) ā€¦ actually I better not post it.


Technical Architect in Sales for a Fortune 500 Tech company, I support Indian IT Service providers, who between them (x6 partners) employ 750,000 people worldwide!


it honestly reads as if youā€™re on the right path! Whatā€™s your dream job in Germany/Sweden etc. though? Struggling to find my ā€œdream jobā€

is the pay so low or why?

another I.T. nerd here. started as HPUX sys admin/PC desktop support for an engineering department (oil well stuff)
now Iā€™m doing infrastructure, WAN admin, server admin, VMware, AWS, azure and all the bits in between. lots of stuff but not specialised in anything really.


This is fun reading!

Iā€™ve always worked in the music industryā€¦ as a musician (Iā€™m a guitar player), a producer (bands, not really electronic/synth in any way), a college lecturer in music technology and then worked for a large MI retailer for a spell.
For the last 10 years Iā€™ve mainly worked as a product developer for a guitar company, designing guitars and other instruments/gear along the way.
Never worked in IT.


Iā€™m guessing iā€™m gonna be a huge outlier here. I work at the Evan Williams Bourbon Experience in downtown Louisville. We do distillery tours and bourbon tastings. We are owned by Heaven Hill which owns a bunch of whiskey and bourbon brands. Donā€™t know if they do a lot in the EU or outside of the states but if yā€™all are drinkers i would just like to say HH has been super generous to us during this whole pandemic. We have greatly reduced our hours and days of operation and they have continued to pay their full time employees as if we are working full time.


Pleased to hear this, as my standard sipper is Elijah Craig, with Evan Williams Single Barrel once in a while to mix things up.

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Yeah dude EC is my go to for everyday sippin. You really canā€™t beat the price and flavor.

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Ooh, gotta check this out next time Iā€™m in Louisville!

i was there for Cropped Out 2014. We did the Wild Turkey distillery tour on the drive back.


Dude Cropped Out fuckin rules. Hopefully it will come back in some form or another. And yeah Wild Turkey is a great tour!


Oh man, soo much fun! Loved the energy and vibe, and the lineup was fantastic - Sun Ra Arkestra, Tiger Hatchery, The Urinals, Obnox, etc.

We got to meet the Master Distiller when he decided to step out into the museum area. My go-to shot glass is the one that came with the American Honey gift set that I bought as a souvenir.


Iā€™m a Colorist (As in color grading)
Been doing it for 20 years. Mostly work on features these days.


just read through this thread, wow, what a beautifully diverse range of people linked by parameter locks.

i work in London as an access technologist at an arts charity. we coordinate and host performing arts and accessible technology projects for young people with additional needs.

if youā€™re an arts facilitator, based in London or can run stuff online please feel free to DM me. always looking for new and exciting ways to spark and enable students creativity, and all the good life affirming stuff that comes with that.


i think pay is similar to games ā€¦tech artists are in high demand thoughā€¦ and unreal engine people are being used more in tv/film/previs so iā€™d suggest to people to learn that in general and then try to specialise in some way.

Iā€™m sure its like most cvā€™s in most industries , hence the interview process to dig into the details.

Hmm. Good question.

Itā€™s a safety in numbers thing I think. In Europe and the States and Canada and other English speaking countries where I could get work, there are just so many people doing things. There are more people full stop, It doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s any type of employment guarantee, but that thereā€™s just a hive of energy, critical mass if you will.

I donā€™t particularly have the will to be entrepreneurial at this point in time, so I donā€™t mind just being a part of good, positive and inspirational team, rather than being the leader or whatever. I honestly do have that to a degree right now, so I canā€™t complain. But itā€™s not totally aligned with my interests.

Every now and then Iā€™ll catch up with a synth nerd friend, and it sort of blows me away how much I know about this sort of thing, and how enthusiastic I am about it. Thatā€™s energy that shouldnā€™t be wasted on something you donā€™t have the same passion for. So if there was a dream job, itā€™d be about that passion applied, rather than something for the small hours and weekends. Iā€™d be excited to see what I could achieve in that circumstance, as when thatā€™s not fully aligned I feel like youā€™re not always punching for the ceiling.


Iā€™m a primary school teacher. Itā€™s fun and hectic. I enjoy the chaos each day brings.


I work at a factory, we make (mainly) roof panels of sheet metal. Iā€™ve been her for four years (man, time flies, doesnā€™t it). So far, Iā€™m loving it- my job is fairly lax and simple and my coworkers are amazing bunch.


I mainly do sound design for contemporary choreographic performances, and lately due to the pandemic have done some sound design for video and digital art works. Other current jobs include writing, editing, audio tech support. Just got one of my first funded opportunities to do my own solo sound work as wellā€¦ hoping to overcome perfectionism and nervousness to release something new very soon!

So nice to read what different people do here! I find it inspiring how many different professions are represented, and curious to find so many similarities as well.

Edit: When reading some of yā€™alls posts I find myself thinking, how exciting, how did you break into that field? So I just want to add that Iā€™m completely self-taught in sound and music, through constantly exposing myself to youtube videos and forums for years in my free moments until I finally understood the jargon and the practice. Its thanks youtubers, music technology blogs, and forums like this one that I was able to begin a focused career path after years of scrapping together as a Jack of All Trades in the arts and other entry-level jobs. So, thanks to these communities for making such a thing possible <3


Hello fellow teacher! Iā€™m a teacher in junior high school (I teach English and Swedish). Itā€™s hectic but itā€™s not always fun. :grinning:

Today we started what is supposed to be a three-week ā€œlockdownā€ here in Finland, so itā€™s distance learning once again after a more or less normal first seven months of the school year. Spending my break drinking coffee and browsing Elektronauts as usual.