So, what do you do?

Your situation sounds a lot like my own, have you done any reading on ADHD? I was diagnosed with bi polar and depression when I was very young, but recently worked with a doctor and got a diagnosis for combined type ADHD. I read ADHD 2.0 after being introduced to it in this thread and I can say it was well worth my time. Many of the traits and characteristics the authors attribute to ADHD I had never seen mentioned anywhere else.

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Appreciate the advice. Yeah, I am probably going to have to see a psychologist at some point but was trying to grasp as much for myself as I could. I do better now than when I was young not to self medicate with unhealthy outlets. Hence my hobby in music.

Itā€™s nice being able to ask and just get some sort of idea from people with experience. Iā€™m just kind of dreading it, putting it off, and dealing with some things that I just need to get through first.


No, not much. I just didnā€™t consider it much because I could focus but I just was bored and chose not to a lot in school. And I thought it was more for someone who really canā€™t focus and had like nervous energy. But thank you as well for sharing the info, I will look at it.

Just thought Iā€™d chime in to say that studies have shown that a nontrivial percentage of people with ADHD are on the autism spectrum (canā€™t remember offhandā€“maybe 20%?), and most people on the autism spectrum (>80%) have ADHD.


What convinced me was reading that people with ADHD spend a disproportionate amount of time ruminating and that they are plenty capable of focusing but not so much deciding what to focus on. Hence the hyper-fixation and the may be the reason why I am awake at 4am planning a Digitakt session some nights.


So to add my part to this discussion, right now Iā€™m unemployed. I have worked in a variety of fields but I clearly havenā€™t found something I can settle into yet. No degree and I left high school early with my GED since Iā€™ve always had a mistrust of debt and the ā€œsystemā€.

Iā€™ve worked retail and canā€™t go back. I donā€™t even do much shopping in person anymore it just seems like a waste of time.

I ran sound for a couple live bands but it wasnā€™t the best situation and I didnā€™t continue.

I had a union gig doing non-destructive testing for the Boilermakers. Some shifts started at 3:30am and could last 18 hours. The dude who ran the company I was with was an absolute bigot. Not for me.

Iā€™ve worked front-end in restaurants, it can be good money and years working so close with people did wonders for my social skills. But, the hours are miserable and the environment is a breeding ground for substance abuse and other health issues. I loved the people I worked with but ultimately I looked around and it seemed like everyone was in limbo, stuck in their childhood or some fantasy (me projecting) and I had to leave.

I worked sales for a wildlife and pest management company but I felt like the only true path to success there was to capitalize on peopleā€™s fears and anxiety. Delusional parasitosis is much more common than I realized, not to mention peopleā€™s everyday anxieties manifesting themselves as a need to be clean, fear of bugs. Some other salespeople were perfectly fine with selling these people on as many service plans they could knowing full well it had nothing to do with their problems. I also loved Enderā€™s Game as a kid that genuinely made it hard to exterminate a colony of anything.

Most recently I was a District Manager for a tech startup in the delivery industry. I worked the front end for six states in the Midwest. Account management and sales mostly, I didnā€™t have anyone working under me. As far as workload was concerned I have had it was worse but I still had plenty of differences with the company fundamentally. It was corporate to a surreal degree. I survived three rounds of layoffs, got canned in the fourth and then asked me to come back a few days later since everyone who wasnā€™t laid off quit. Told them no and Iā€™ve got lots of cute little words to out on my resume now at least.

So whoopie, time to find a new one. Iā€™d say so far Iā€™ve done ok for myself considering I ainā€™t got no college education. A few buddies of mine do AV work, project managing. It almost seems like they get paid to do what Iā€™m over here doing for fun - buying an assload of electronics, plugging them all into one another, and then trying to figure out why you have no signal. Seems like a natural fit but Iā€™m not really sure how to pursue something like that besides just pestering my friends.

Do any of you Elektronauts do AV work or something similar? Any advice on what certs to pursue or other ways to get my foot in the door? Other career paths you might recommend to someone with my background? Think I should exit society completely and become a wildman?


Just pester your friends to help out and get that foot in the door. If you gotta learn something it may as well be from them. Industry certs wont matter straight up (if at all) you can alway do them later.

Just had a delivery of a few new toolsā€¦ hereā€™s what I do :+1:

Fab job, pays for synths :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


i am a supervisor in logistics. i like to say i babysit adults. many of the people i supervise are 15-20 years older than me, some of them could easily be my parents. and yet many behave like children.

the job itself isnā€™t bad, the pay is good, however the hours are absolute shite, which is why i am currently hunting for something else.


After getting rid of a big ass brain tumor in 2018 i got unemployed but now i am in school again making my degree as an IT Specialist . Thanks to german medical & social insurance i have the chance to fully recover and go to work again.


Marshalltown :fist:
Proper gearporn. Brilliant!

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crazy - just the other day another Houdini artist I know started at Facebookā€¦

I work for SideFX, currently Iā€™m a Training Lead -teaching the teachers :wink:

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I was working for my wifeā€™s business (real estate), I just said I am done with it.
She said: OK you are fired anyway.
And then we had a glas of CrƩmant De Loire.
What a beautiful day.

Update: That makes me unemployed going into 2022; maybe more time for music making aka goalless gear tinkering :wink:


WTF, Goldfarb from SideFX here! Iā€™ve watched some of your tutorials and learning materials. Iā€™m a former software engineer, currently transitioning to motion graphics using Houdini, software that I honestly LOVE.

Im a bartender. And weed man.



Iā€™m super new to the Octatrack but find it amusing when people say it has a ā€˜steep learning curveā€™ :slight_smile:

Iā€™m thinking about doing a series teaching Houdini and Octatrack at the same timeā€¦shouldnā€™t be too hard.

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Elektron should allow using VEX with the Octatrack. Iā€™m pretty sure that would silence all complaints about any steep learning curve :smiley:

Iā€™ll be happy if I can get impacts and particle systems to spit out midi :slight_smile:

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and now cloud system administrator as well (OpenStack, Proxmox).


Iā€™m in charge of a small team which administrates a financial ERP system. But as I will be promoted to head of department in the future I am participating in a sh#tload of projects. More money then to finance the gear i wont have time for then.