So, what do you do?

Too many hats…

Music Producer / Recording Engineer
Mostly writing for Sync these days while releasing music as an indie act Idylmind.
I also compose/produce library music and produce a podcast for one of the labels I write for.

Also…Videographer and occasional product photographer.
AND Part-time instrument support for a small company.

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I’ve been a full time Dad for a while. It’s been nice but I needed to work a regular job again for various reasons.

I was just officially offered a job in the Aerospace industry today after months of searching for something interesting.

I’m on the “Flight Deck Team” with other Scientists and Engineers. Our job is to come up with new ideas to improve human interaction with vehicles (manned or unmanned) to improve control, safety, and efficiency in Aerospace vehicles.

Then we do rapid prototyping and testing of these systems (that we think up) before they are sent off to be fine tuned (more engineering) and manufactured for use in Commercial, Military, and Space Aviation.

We have full size replica cockpits for a jet and helicopter where we can do testing. They are simulators and can move around to simulate flight for testing our designs and protypes.

My job also involves some environmental testing where I go out in actual helicopters or a jet and run vibrational/noise tests or sampling ambient noise for use in the lab/simulators.

Some of the engineers/techs were flying over the Grand Canyon yesterday in a helicopter sampling ambient noise to use on the massive sound systems surrounding the simulators. I was told I would be doing some of that if I was okay with flying. Mostly due to my experience in music and audio engineering.

I don’t fully know how much I’m allowed to share. We do work for commercial companies, the U.S. Military, and NASA. I’ll keep the company name and specifics redacted.
I will say that I’m jumping into a fair amount of augmented reality projects at the start.

I’m doing Electronics, Mechanical, Software (FPGA), Audio work, 3D Printing, Machining, and basically anything for used rapid prototyping and testing of whatever we come up with.

I’m actually excited about this job (rare for me) and the offer is official as of today. I was specifically hired because of my broad and strange mix of engineering experience but mostly my demonstrated creativity :heart:

Global company, very stable job, fair pay, good benefits, and very creative super nerd scientists and engineers as co-workers. I hope it’s as good as I imagine it will be.


That sounds incredible! Congratulations!!
I’d love to hear more, so keep us posted.

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Thank you! I’m pretty stoked about it! It’s like a job you see in a movie or something :joy:

Everything aligned for me to land this job. Everyone on the flight deck team has done this job their entire careers. I happen to be a perfect replacement(plus new blood and ideas) for someone who is retiring. My experience and timing was perfect for them.

I’m hoping to be able to share more.
I just want to play it safe until I know all of the rules.


I feel that you deserve it fully.


I wish I could like your comment ten times more <3

Such a pivotal moment for me. I’ve barely held on through my most difficult trying times in life these last years with all of my grit. I wouldn’t even be able to (or want to) describe some of my struggles. I rarely let it show because everyone has their own struggles too. Sporadic therapy has helped when I’ve been at a breaking point.

I do feel like I’ve been crossing an endless stormy sea for years and this is me stepping on dry land for the first time. When I wasn’t sure if dry land still existed or if I even wanted dry land anymore.

I do deserve this :hugs:



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As someone who found their own dry land, for the first time, 5 months ago, and has enjoyed your posts for years, I’m extremely happy for you. The job sounds like something out of a Big Bang Theory spin off, which to me is awesome. I hope you enjoy it.


Thank you so much! I’m so happy you found dry land too! It’s a huge weight lifted from my mind and heart.

I highly recommend not giving up to those who are still sailing or aimlessly drifting on a broken boat, it’s worth it.


professional pixel pusher aka graphic designer. not glamorous but it allows me to buy synths n stuff.


Did Kevin Costner find the dry land?


I’ve become a professional interview failer :frowning:


Sending you an e-hug or less personally invasive pat on the back, human. No matter what industry you’re in, interviewing is soul sucking. Especially when the interview metrics don’t correlate with the gig


I’m a software developer. Currently working for a customer in the energy industry who is developing a tool to help and promote industry/manufacturers move to green energy solutions. Ive only been in software for 4 years but this career feels like the best match I’ve found so far and I feel pretty lucky.

In my previous life I worked in food truck, catering, did residential concrete, and as a farm hand on an organic farm - as well as plenty of SCSJ (shit customer service jobs)


Congrats. This job just sounds truly cool. I’d also love to hear an anecdote or two. Curious how it feels giving up the full time dad job as well

Also I apologize deeply for my sins of thrice posting

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Jobless in two weeks. Maybe it’s time to get a CNC router and start making wooden desktop synth conversion kits like I always wanted (MS-20 mini, Opsix/Wavestate/Modwave, Reface series). I suspect the profits won’t even justify the router though. Plus I’d have to buy an MS-20 mini and a Wavestate to experiment (can always resell them though).


The Grandmother would look dope with wood end cheeks.

He did but when he arrived Kevin Bacon was on shore was too excited waving him in. He turned around and word has it he’s still adrift to this day :confused:

I’ll let you know once the change happens and I settle into my new routine.

I’m sure it’s going to be really tough in some ways but also very good for my well being honestly. I also get to show my sons some interesting work (creative and analytical) on top of my music passion. More options for me to be a good role model for them that might click with them.

Full time Dad is a pretty under appreciated and under respected position too. Even in modern times it has unfortunate baggage that goes with it. We still have a long ways to go as a society, but one step at a time I guess.


I’m a tech sales engineer and worked before in various IT software roles. Definitely helps to afford gear as it’s quite expensive


Well, maybe I will ask someone to measure theirs and make test cheeks for them. No way I can afford buying one, and I don’t think there are any owners in my country.