So, what do you do?

I’m an after school teacher. Very noisy environment but a lot of positive, high level energy from the kids. Only some stupid grown ups (toxic school teachers, colleagues or parents) mess up the good vibes sometimes. Some of my colleagues are good friends of mine which makes working fun most of the time.
A little underpaid, definitely stressful from time to time and the whole school system is f’ed up so i’m working under poor conditions. Sounds bad but it’s actually pretty cool. Not for the next 20 years though.


I’m in a similar state of limbo. Been in the service industry for a decade, bartending for the last few. I love it and hate it at the same time and feel ready to move on, especially after dealing with the most abhorrent types of people who were quick to flock to restaurants as soon as they were able to during the worst parts of the pandemic. I used to be passionate about bartending, now I only stay because of the schedule flexibility and the money.

I also have a MA in rhetoric/writing and do occasional freelance content work so that I don’t feel like my degree is wasted. I’ve considered diving into UX writing or technical writing (would be awesome to write manuals for music gear :nerd_face:) full time and bail on the bartending gig but I don’t want to live that 9 to 5, chained to a desk, working for the weekend lifestyle.

Are you still behind the stick all these months later?


Working as a PADI/SSI/CMAS scuba instructor in the straight of Gibraltar from April to October. Which allows me to support my family for the rest of the year in the south of Spain.
Lucky and happy :pray:


That’s kind of you to say. I somewhat assumed I was annoying :confused:


Yes, but like yourself I’m mostly sticking with it because the money is good and the hours are flexible. I never went back to the restaurant I was working at pre-pandemic. Instead I got a job bartending at a local brewery’s taproom. It’s closer to my house, the customers are generally less needy, and while we offer food the menu is small and straightforward. I’m also no longer involved in management (I was the bar manager at my last gig), so I don’t have to deal with the headaches that come with that role.


So… you’re Night Rider.


And now at 1010music, it seems :slight_smile:

…and an Extra licence holder by the look of your username :o)
Not a fellow telegraphist too by any chance?

Yup, been licensed for quite a while. It’s been a long time since I’ve done CW; most of what I do is either public service or digital stuff. 73!


Yup. Been with 1010music for a little over a year. Quite a ride!


Congrats! Most people have no idea how stressful it can be running/owning your own small business even if it’s your ‘dream job’. Especially when you have employees. I was co-owner of a record store in the early 2000’s and most people thought it was just this easy, stress-free lifestyle. Couldn’t have been further from the truth! I constantly worried about paying our employees, taxes, bills and rent let alone myself. It’s really different and stressful knowing that it’s you other people are depending on to support themselves and their families.

Somehow, someway it always worked out… at least the few years I spent doing it, but I can completely relate overall.


Im a “software engineer” for a health insurance company. My team is awesome. My leader is brimming with an inspirational talent I’ve never seen before. My customers are excellent.

Its the perfect job…except for the content of the work…


Do you use the sublimation process, like heat transfer? It’s something I’ve been wanting to do myself, as I have some designs. Been pricing printers & presses, but also want to source high quality shirts.

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i’m an old school screenprinter, sublimation and other digital process can be cool but I prefer ink (water based ink in my case , old school but not to much). Send pm , depending on your location I could, perhaps, give you some good addresses for quality textiles and supplies :slight_smile:


I run a small graphic design agency, and have been sole owner for about 10 years.

Ultimately the buck stops with me, so there are stresses involved in that especially, when late-space-placing 10s of thousands of pounds in tomorrow’s newspapers, but I’m a lot more sanguine about things than I was a few years ago.
Covid was a bit of change of mindset - got fucked over, but fought my corner and survived. Now? Fuck it, right? It’s only work.

I don’t think I could ever be an employee - certainly not in this field. I’m too used to coming and going as I please - which has been a lot more going than coming recently.
Financially the last decade especially has been very good which helps with stress-relief.
I have young kids so have to keep things going, but I should be in decent position even if/when a big income drop comes, which has an inevitable feel for various reasons.

The only downside is that the work feels somewhat worthless. It doesn’t enhance the world in any way, so I have massive respect for people posting here doing things worthwhile - teaching, caring, researching etc.
I’m also feel increasing need for a creative outlet, hence getting into music again.


Lol I was just informed that I’m going to be laid off :smiley:



Sorry to hear that. Best of luck in finding something new.


I’ve got plenty of time to find something, the company is being very helpful. My teammates are also being VERY helpful. Trying to hook me up with opportunities that pay more than I’m making now.

I’m trying to use this opportunity to find something that will vastly reduce the stress of my current job.

Everything will work out- I’m absolutely certain of it


I wasn’t laid off, but in March I determined that my current role was no longer feasible while maintaining my sanity. It took a few months, and would have taken less if one opportunity didn’t unfortunately fall through, but I eventually found something I was totally unqualified for that paid me a TON more money and surprisingly wanted to hire me. I’ve since become qualified while on the job, and am the happiest I’ve been as an adult.

Good things will come.


That is FANTASTIC! I’m happy for your success and greatly admire that you left of your own accord(I’ve been wanting to leave for a while, but was unable to until I was forced out like this)(its a super relief and I’m so lucky that it was an amicable end)

Thanks for contributing to my optimism :slightly_smiling_face:

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