Social Networking, it's horrible, I'm out

Are you referring to Disney, Viacom and the like? Because media and news are not the same thing. I might be mistaken, but few of the those news outlets on my graph share a mutual owner. For example my go-tos for non-partisan news - USA Today, Reuters and AP - are all different owners. AP is even non-profit.

So are you saying Jacobin isn’t Left and the Daily Caller isn’t Right? I can’t see how one can conclude that given their respective content…

@DoS Thanks! I’ll try that.

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That’s a myth. At best it is mainstream politically, that’s the new « objectivity » but the topics, the selected and published news and the way they are treated are all conformed to a main journalistic diktat.

Not sure to see the link with the OP though, kind of lost the track.

May i ask you what your job is?

Social media are a PITA for me but as a musician it is more than required nowadays and people look at you as an alien when you say your music is not on Spotify and you don’t have an Instagram.

Like an idiot i thought i would just play music… i’d be more than happy to have it done for me.

I don’t agree with you that non-partisan - defined as not supportive of a particular party - news is a myth.

But you are right: OT

Simple rule.

If it’s on TV, the internet or the radio, it’s probably bullshit.

If it’s on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, it’s definitely bullshit.


I guess you speak from Usa where some mass media are clearly affiliated to a political party since you basically have only 2, the rest are watching the game trying to throw on some ideas.

In France it used to not be the case (at least officially) even if the confusion between media and politics is becoming the case more and more in the daily light.

Still the need for any news maker to earn a living is de facto orienting the news: they have a product for sale so they gonna select what they think is sellable. You will hear more about Trump last tweet than economic struggle in Uganda, the last sextape of a movie star will get more views than economic analysis against capitalism and the debate about global warming will take ages rather than speaking about solutions.
They also have to give news even when nothing happens on a regular base. Plus AP and Reuters are main agencies supplying most of journalists on the planet, scary for the diversity of opinions.

When was the last time we got good news oriented journalism? The simplest scary/anxiogenic/fear spreading nature of what became journalism should be enough to define that some people behind it have interests into relaying it.

I quite agree with @Fin25. On the Net it is all about « positivity » and appearance to be opposed to the scary TV. Just another bull**it channel on the mass TV.

Were clearly not reading the same news.

I’m trying less to be responsible for taking threads OT. If you want to take this up in the DMs, hit me there. But I dont think you and I are going to find any common ground when our definition of what is news and what partisan means is so different.

But yeah it’s pretty simple: don’t trust anybody 100%.

I find when I delete socials I just wind up sinking the time elsewhere - like Elektronauts lol

I still use fb for marketplace and some synth pages, events, but essentially have no friends on it. People are truly lost on it, meaning, I realised that having removed myself from social media I have removed myself from certain peoples lives. It’s strange people don’t interact outside of social media.

YouTube is an amazing place, but can be overwhelming. Instagram is the same. It’s Infinite.

But for me Instagram is still what it started out as - a photography platform. Granted it’s so much more than that now, but for me it’s still that - a place to share videos and pics.

Facebook I find so emotionally political. People are trying to one up each other, scratch each other’s back, be seen to be liking other people’s pages or posts or what have you. I’ve always found it an emotionally exhausting place.

I was listening to a podcast recently where they were taking about going back to little isolated indie bite size chucks of media, like signing up for someone’s newsletter - and just copping it direct. They were saying how the infinite scroll is like this psychologically weighted thing.

But even still, U can overdo it with newsletters. All the gloves are off - people will post all day at you. But what do they really want? To feel loved? Some attention? Deeper communication? Cash?

It’s a lot to take in these days. And in and amongst all that weigh up where u fit in the world, what you want to do with your time here and how you intend to approach all that. Will social media be bound up in any prospective small business owners expansion? Or is there another way?

The pandemic has made me consider what other more local means there may be for connection, community building and building support and peer groups and culture, maybe even away from online. Cause I dunno about u guys but where I am travel is still way off the cards.


For me this is the gem in the chaos. Who d have thought the internet would cause the revival of quality long form audio journalism? I love 1-2 hour long in depth discussions and documentaries. Complete opposite of the TV i threw out years ago.


Someone didn’t grow up in the age when you had to personally hand your music to people on a tape or CD. The internet and social media are fantastic promotional tools, a luxury I didn’t have when I started, and nothing about it REQUIRES you to do anything but just be yourself and do your thing. Obviously there are pitfalls and nothing is perfect or unproblematic, but how you approach it is pretty key.

Social media is what you make of it. If you hate it, then honestly, get off of it. If you enjoy posting music and checking out what others are doing and building a following and community, then it can be fun.

But what you get out of it depends on what you put into it, and you come off as exceedingly negative right from the start.

“I’ve signed up and posted two things and now I feel fucking sick because I’m going to have to go round social media following and liking people in the vain hope that they might follow and like me back and in turn might buy some of my fucking music, which I won’t be making as much of because I’ll be throwing all my spare time peering into the friend-smeared abyss of public self-harm that calls itself Instagram trying to get people I hate to like the me that I’m pretending to be.”

So, don’t follow people you hate? This is the weirdest view on social media I have seen. Don’t follow people to get them to buy your music. Follow people you find interesting. Do your thing. You don’t have to pretend to be anything. I have met a lot of cool people who were just randomly looking through tags and found my music. Or even people who were looking through #cat tags and found my Instagram.

You can have some fun, show your music but also have a laugh, post funny things, pretty things, other interests you might have, and you might meet someone else who likes a different shared interest who then hears your music and likes it. My Insta is techno, synths, skateboards, cats, pics with friends, things I see on my walks, whatever. It’s just life and I try to have fun with it. But it’s all me. There’s no “pretend” there.

But honestly, if you come at it with the attitude you are showing in your original post, you will just hate it all and never have any fun with it and you should probably just not do it. Stick with the day job if that’s how you view people who might dig your music.

There are shitty people everywhere and social media is not a perfect medium by far, but if you hate it, don’t bother. Promotion has always been a factor in selling anything, whether it’s art or groceries. Find the promo method you can stomach and maybe ditch the super negatronic energy you’re putting off.


Great post. A useful perspective

Nope. Content is filtered/policed/controlled. You must obey “the community guidelines”. Social media is not what you make it, it’s just what the social media wants from you. Make a YT playlist, YT will remove stuff from it. Post satire on FB, FB may remove it.

And none cares about the music you post on social media. “thanks bro, can’t check it right now, will do later”. Of course never does.

And I did grow up in the age of the K7. And I was a youngster when websites used to link to each other. I miss those times. We trade freedom for convenience.

You’re right. I hate it, I won’t bother anymore.

I’m out.


Only the french speaking understand this i think :slight_smile:

K7 = tape cassette


You’re right.

“piles and piles of demo tapes by the miles”


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I think K7 is more international than « tape cassette » :wink:

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Learned K7 visiting Paris in the early '90’s. Always thought it was brilliant, used it every chance I got, though no one understood, even in bilingual Canada…!

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at least there’s the K7 label !


IG is completely retarded. For illiterates with nothing to say.

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Guess who is in?!

Was looking for some gifts and stumbled on this one … imagine receiving that as a 4 year old. Damn, … making narcissists on mass scale… easy.


@Fin25 old post but my 2c, making music and producing content are 2 different games dressed up like the same thing. You look at peoples pages and it’s all pretty content and it looks like they’re jamming and doing their thing. On the other side of that is usually someone manically keeping up with producing appealing content and playing the following game liking and sharing and networking. Editing videos and composing, mixing, lighting, running a one man show basically. It’s not always a bad thing but it’s definitely not the same as just jamming for your own pleasure. If you’re interested in that I’d recommend you just keep it as a journal for your own purposes. Try to push yourself to post something on a semi regular basis and eventually you’ll have something to look back on that’s easy to share with new people you meet irl

@TobySD playmobil onlyfans kit