Social Networking, it's horrible, I'm out




New people.

Real life.



Yeah those were the days. I remember back when Facebook was all fields


That is the most accurate description of Instagram, and most social media in general, I’ve ever heard.


Narcissist are financially the most beneficial for companies. The social impact is not important unfortunately…

The best ones are all those people posting pictures of their face, who knew so many people had faces?

Or the ones where they take their picture in front of the bathroom/toilet mirror, those crack me up every time - I feel compelled to ask “shit or piss?” :joy:


What’s the difference between “Social Networking” and this forum of relatively like-minded people networking socially?


Anonymity plus a specific niche topic. Of course you can join groups on Facebook etc but that’s a bit like holding an AA meeting in a bar


Moderation to keep the racists and homophobes and other types of phobes locked out, waaaay less hatred overall in fact (aside from quite rightly hating on Behringer), no pressure to post/view shit all the time with email and other notifications, no paid-for advertising everywhere I look, the ability to mute threads/categories if I want, and a focus on the things we all love - gear, music, creativity, etc etc. This forum is one of the best places on the whole WWW. Long live Elektronauts!

Edit: Oh, and I forgot one of the most super critical ones. Absolutely no fucking data mining!


Was also thinking about that. But,…there are many subtle and less subtle differences.

Turns out I like my online networking more focussed by interest and less by,… staying up to date with what “Kimberly” from high school, class of 1991 is doing this weekend… :yawning_face:

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consider live streaming on twitch or youtube? if you’re jamming might as well stream it.

Actually we are all being data mined for the Syntakt.

Long live the new flesh. :loopy:


Videodrome is one of my favourite films. Inimitable early 80s madness.


Would love to have the skills to replace the TV in the background of the image into one of the Syntakt mockups. For now my imagination will suffice.

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Just deleted my Facebook account and already feel better and relieved.
I got back there when the pandemia started, to keep at least some “social interaction” going on.

Enough attention and time wasted there.

Now I’ll begin structuring my days into more creative direction, reading, painting, making video art and above all making music. Also yoga, meditation, exercise and proper sleep wouldn’t hurt with the world as it is.

I find this forum the only place online where people discuss music and the methods involved in depth without drama or rude behaviour.


Always remember that. I aso got sucked back in for a few months this year, it’s a total scam … never again!


Yes, remembering seems to be the tricky part. :slight_smile:

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Living overseas, I find it hard to entirely delete my Facebook account as there are a lot of people I’d probably never be able to track down again, but I think I’m going to delete the app on my phone. It’s mostly a barren wasteland these days anyway.

I’m also going to try to cut down on forum visits a bit in the New Year, and focus mostly on threads like the Beat Battles and stuff.

I might also do a week or two digital detox some point soon as well. I feel like I need to “regroup”. It’s probably mostly the state of the world, but I feel like I can’t turn my brain off lately. I think I need to slow down for a while and defrag the mental hard drive. Less focus on productivity and more focus on just “being”.


It’s all theatre.


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Lovely example of confirmation bias :+1:


I deleted fb a few years ago as I find the social interaction on there to be quite heated and annoying, but Facebook itself is unfortunately quite useful - for things like events, news, buy/sell groups, etc etc. so I just have an account I use just for that - no friends. Some orgs only post to fb and don’t even have a website, and it’s a useful way to keep track of certain things. So I don’t really ‘scroll’ fb anymore, but just dip when I need something.

Insta used to be a photography platform, so it started like that for me. And for a while there were no no mums and grandparents and cousins on there, but they all eventually found there way across. So Insta for me is the ‘friends’ place, where most of the people I follow are people I know, with a few businesses and artists thrown into the mix.

Some ads on Insta are interesting, like clothes or whatever, and I’ll check em out, but I’ve never bought anything through Instagram.

Even with a basic account I can get enough of a metric to see who’s following you and who’s not, I find I get a lot more ‘views’ and ‘likes’ by posting somewhat infrequently. I think people sort of wonder what happened to you and if you’re still around, and I try to keep posting to something I think offers the viewer value, ie a great photograph - something to make it worth my followers while. And not oversaturate. I take photos and jam all the time but don’t post everything, just the special things. Conversely some peoples accounts are total shitposting, everyone’s coming from a different angle.

Since the audience is broad now on Insta I try and post that way. Like if you’re having a conversation with someone’s Mom about avant garde electronic music, you’d speak in a way that helps them out and helps them understand.

That way actually you can teach the general public a little about that kinda thing rather than just be an alien. Coz for me, yeah, my followers are mostly a very wide group of friends not into music necessarily at all, with a few music heads sort at the end of the chain. It could be different for someone tho if like, all their followers were modular heads or whatever.

Things like Insta and FB and YouTube are handy but it’s funny the way they’re such a melting pot. If you think back to MySpace, it’s kindve amazing the way music formed such a core of what that place was, and for a while everyone was there.

I wouldn’t mind another place like that, that was music focused, so that everyone that was there was there because of music content, rather than fitness or cooking or adventure lifestyles or whatever.