Softube Model 80

Already own Repro, but the softube models were all amazing so far


I’m occasionally curious about this Softube stuff because of the added value of the Modular bits that come with every synth. I’ve already skimmed a “Repro vs Model 80” video and although I like the no-nonsense approach of sound comparison we’re at the point where the software modelling is so good its almost splitting hairs. I question the value of this stuff with oscilloscopes etc because the casual listener can’t tell the difference when it’s buried in the mix. If you produce a full track with Repro or a track with Model 80 nobody will ever know if you don’t tell them.

All that said, I of course appreciate that there are real synth nerds who enjoy the feeling that they’re getting something “identical” to the original hardware. Also, if you don’t already own Repro then this could be a good option. I won’t go deep into my opinions on Arturia synths, only to say I basically think they look authentic and that’s about it.

I feel like it’s a shame that Softube Modular is regarded as sounding so excellent but they’ve let the UI fall behind the competition. Last time I checked it wasn’t scaleable and the just not as easy to use or swap out modules, rearrange things, switch out cable routing etc as other modular software. The devil is in the detail with software UX. I would also add that the bulit-in effects in Repro are really top notch and add a ton of sound design value.

Also, iLok. Urgh.

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Do they not know UHE Repro exists? What the point?

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how many minimoog emulations do exist? They are not exclusive to one company


The softube sh101 and juno106 were very good .
I haven’t checked the price yet but they also do cheaper / more regular sales than uhe

Yes but if you launch something when a very popular emulation already exits it will need to be better in some way (sound, features etc) or what the point? Just 5 voices, no sequencer, limited FX, worse browser and apparently no better sounding.

I guess someone may want an iLok protected Model 80 :wink:

Not used Softube synths but their Tape plugin is fantastic. As it their Heartbeat drum machine. Solid company.

Their plugins are used alongside hardware for mastering at the Tangible Air studio out in Germany, a personal favourite of mine.

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I have Repro so i will probably pass on this but Softubes SH101 and Juno synths are my go to’s for that Roland sound. Over the Roland Cloud options.


But Repro is really great

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Softube sound quality (which I prefer, esp., the transient behavior)
Integration into Modular.

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Worth mentioning that Softube Modular and most (if not all) of their synths and modules seem to be on sale.

Preferring the sound to UHE Repro is fair enough and if you want it as modules then why note- I have a half a dozen Softube plugs (love Heartbeat) but if I am honest I can hear no difference at all between this and Repro (so it sounds very good!) but the 5 voice poly limit (!) would kill it for me…plus I already own Repro and VCV Rack, that has me covered!


I like the other Softube vintage synth emulations and decided to purchase the Model 80 as well, in spite of owning the u-He Repro-5. That said, I hope Softube release’s an Oberheim or ARP emulation next.