Software Bug preventing Digitone Keys from selecting ASIO driver in Win 10

Hi. I’m just wondering if anyone else is having an issue selecting the ASIO digitone driver in Windows 10 and Ableton 11? I’ve tried everything from setting the usb overbridge mode on/off to midi/audio, all different USB ports and cables(using the Elektron braided cable that came with it).

I’ve even reformatted my pc to try only installing the overbridge/digitone drivers and it simply cannot select Asio digitone driver no matter what. Weird thing is that everything else works fine with overbridge, USB audio, and I can select the digitone as a sound card in windows /ableton, but cannot use the asio driver for digitone, so the latency is slow if trying to use it as a sound card.

I’ve owned pretty much all the modern elektron units (all sold but currently rebuying lol), and don’t remember having this issue before. I pick asio in audio drivers, it shows digitone, I select it it and it just says USB hardware not found, even though it works in windows just fine with everything else. I use an rme babyface pro normally, and works perfectly normal with that, but I just want to make sure nothing is wrong since the asio driver is not accessible no matter what I try. I don’t see how just the asio driver not being accessible could be defective, but every other function with the USB port works fine. Thanks.

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I can confirm this issue for Reaper and Bitwig on Windows 10 with the Digitone Keys. Digitone ASIO driver is shown in drivers list, but triggers an error on selection. Digitakt driver works fine in the same setup.

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Thanks for your response. So it does seem like a possibly software/firmware issue with the keys. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that there is only a digitone driver, but no keys specific driver, like how the A4 has a separate keys version. Support just told me that it was “really odd” that I cannot use the driver, but offered no other possible solutions, besides possibly trying it on another computer, which I currently have no access to.
Hopefully a digitone update comes out soon that fixes this. I don’t need to use the digitone’s asio driver, but it was making me wonder if my unit could somehow be defective, even though usb audio and midi work perfectly fine with overbridge using my rme babyface pro’s asio driver.

I too think this behavior points to an issue with the firmware and/or the ASIO driver for the Digitone Keys. The Wave Audio drivers work fine on that machine with my Digitone Keys and it has no such problems at all when using it with Core Audio drivers on my two MacBooks (Intel and M1, identical audio software). Also, the Digitakt ASIO driver works fine on the Windows machine. I understand support’s suspicions about a wonky OS configuration, but the the fact that you reinstalled Windows from scratch should rule that out.

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Yes, I tested every possible solution including using the older win 10, as well as the newest service pack updated version. I had no issues before with other elektron units selecting their asio drivers, so it is definitely a software/firmware driver problem. A digitone/keys update should come out any day now, since the digitakt update was back in June. Hoping this next update fixes this issue.

Same issue here, Ableton 10 and Windows 10, cannot open the ASIO driver in Ableton therefore unable to use Digitone Keys as a sound card. I get the message ‘Failed to open the audio device “Elektron Digitone”.’

Tried reinstalling drivers with no success. Has there been any further response from support (before I open my own ticket)?

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I replied to their message 2 more times, and noone got back to me since the one response. I suggest you open a ticket as well and let them know. I imagine they are aware of the problem as it is obviously happening to a few people. Hoping a new update drops soon which fixes the issue.

Thanks for the response, will do. I’ll let you know if I hear anything useful.

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I finally received another response after almost a month of nothing. I tried downgrading the firmware, and I get the same issue. They are saying noone else has reported the issue. Since I did a complete reformat, and only installed the digitone keys driver on the fresh install, it is not something else in my system conflicting with the driver, nor does it make sense since all other elektron gear can select asio driver with no issue. I even tried a friend’s digitone keys on my system which does the same thing. Here is the response I received (though they both work fine on his macbook pro).

"We have not seen other reports of this issue, and I would at first hand suspect that it is either a potential driver conflict, an issue with your system, or (least likely) an extremely unusual hardware issue with the Digitone Keys. Do you have any other USB drivers installed that could be conflicting? Could you try uninstalling them in that case?

Have you tried different USB ports and cables? I would also recommend disconnecting any other USB peripherals from the computer while troubleshooting.

I have attached OS 1.30A to try with. Note that downgrading may corrupt projects in some cases so I recommend backing up anything of importance before trying that. ​

Best Regards,

Patrik - Elektron"

I’m also having the same issue. My Digitone Keys is being detected in Overbridge, but I’m unable to select the ASIO driver. When I try to select ASIO as my audio driver in the Digitone Overbridge software it says “USB hardware not found” even though everything else is working correctly. I also get an error when I select the ASIO Digitone driver in Ableton.

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Open a ticket with support, and let them know, since it appears many people are experiencing the same problem. Let us know what they say. Thanks

Hi, i can confirm it is a digitone keys problem, i got a keys and non keys digitone and my digitone keys does the same problem as discribed here while my non keys digitone has no problem selecting the asio drivers in overbridge mode. No fix yet?

Absolutely no fix yet. Please create a support ticket with elektron and let them know of the issue, as the only responses I have gotten were that it seems like an isolated issue, when it clearly is not. We’re all still waiting on a digitone/keys firmware update since the digitakt got one in june, but its been just silence from elektron.

I don’t expect they are going to fix it because the issue appears to be isolated to some USB controllers, in my case on a 10-year-old ASUS P8B75-M motherboard. Its USB has always been a little tricky. Roland managed to write a driver for the RD-88 that works stable on it, but Elektron doesn’t.

My best hope is to get a much more stable USB connection from my Digitakt and Digitone Keys to my Macbook via the Overhub with some future updates, so that Overbridge in Bitwig finally becomes usable to me. Right now the audio starts distorting on both Macs and PCs if I play too many notes at the same time and it is also constantly losing connection to the devices. Changing buffer sizes has no effect, only switching to the Roland driver has.

As much as I love the hardware in stand-alone mode, using Overbridge and especially the USB drivers has not been a pleasant experience so far on a current MacBook Pro, and even less so on a Windows PC.

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Fyi last OB fixed it :blush: