Software tracker, M8 or polyend?

There are a lot of renoise tools that can help quality of life as you get used to hex, like supernudge (nudging notes around similar to microtiming on elektron), but for the actual commands, you basically just come to learn them as you go.

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I think this could be valid in many cases, but thereā€™s one key thing that makes M8 fast for me, and that is being able to press both option+edit buttons simultaneously by kinda rolling across them with a thumb, or pressing in between them. Same with shift+play etc. A touch screen interface would slow down quite considerably due to not really having the tactile response / single touch area preventing the use of one touch point to activate two buttons.

Any decent trackers for iPhone that I can use to get into the tracker mindset while I wait for my M8?

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Vivid tracker comes to mind, it is samples based no built in synth.
SunVox tracker is modular, pretty awesome and can also be used as an auv3 fx plugin.
I havenā€™t bought deflemask yet, I think it is more chiptune aimed

You could try the headless version using a teensy.
I set one up while waiting for the M8 also. To reduce the leaning curve. That way you will be ready to go when you receive it.


Thanks. Iā€™m not the most technically savvy fella - is this straightforward enough? Do you use your computer keyboard then for the input?

You can install it on a handheld console such as Anbernic RG351 but you will also need a teensy. Thereā€™s info on discord or on the web if you google. It basicially lets you run the m8 tracker firmware on the console

Iā€™m really not technically savvy either, and was surprised how easy (my experience) setting up headless was.

Itā€™s usable with the computer keyboard. I was using the Web display, which is the simplest (open a website, done), and keys can be remapped. I ended up buying a game controller, set it up (wasnā€™t too hard either, I was afraid) and that was a lot of fun.

Now I have an actual m8. The headless experience made me learn it, and the hardware buttons are even better/faster for me.


Ok, so Iā€™ve ordered what I need and dug out an old ps4 controller. The Teensy should be here tomorrow. Excited.

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With the web display do you have to bother with TouchDesigner or does the browser render that unnecessary?

Everything happens in the browser, thatā€™s the beauty of it. Super simple. Plug the teensy to a usb port, load the webpage (can be saved as an app in Chrome/Edge to work offline) and thatā€™s it.