Solid State Logic six compact mixer

Ha - I finally figured it out! As it turns out, the cable I used (I cut a Planet Waves DB-25 cable in half and put TRS plugs on the ends) is not wired to the same standard (Tascam standard) as the SSL SiX. So, I had the wrong signals wired up. I just happened to get “lucky” and my send cable was connected to the passively split monitor outputs. That might explain the low-strength signal going into the heat. I’m going to test out connection points and rewire the ends. Will report back with the outcome.


So please download the wav files in the description. What´s your fav and why?


How about an iPhone/iPad mini, a 4x4 interface and Audiobus/AUM + Toneboosters EQ ? Then you got all the EQ you need :slight_smile:
Make that an 8x8 interface and you got insert chains for all six + master :+1:

iOS devices makes great fx “boxes”.

How do you like it?

Tried a dbx EQ and decided I don’t need it on those channels, not with the synths I’m using there.

That EQ2 pedal only just became available here a few days ago.

Just pushed the buttons one on a SSLSiX :smiley:

Read through this thread but sure I’ll have a bunch of questions as I’m a complete mixer newbie


Come on API, bring out a 10 channel mixer for £1,500…

These are £1,000 ish at Gear4music. If they do an 8/10 I might well be interested at some point.


How good are the EQ’s? Are they just decent or are they full on SSL EQ?

Lightbath using the SSL SiX 6-channel Desktop Analog Mixer before heading to the recorder. The SSL G-Series Bus Compressor on the SiX really ties the room together.


I’ve only used them for synth bass, Bass guitar and Guitar. It’s like instant gratification, hits the spot to bring the instrument clearly into the mix (and then there’s the Bus Comp!).
A bass synth into a mono ch with the LF Bell curve sounds sooo good, no muddy tone loss at all, and comes through a mangled mix clear as a fat bell.
Mid freq bump or high shelving on dirty guitar is just perfect.
Just keep in mind that the comp on the mono ch’s are not configured for bass.


So far I’m very pleased! Not managed to properly a-b to the audio I had without the mixer doing its thing as not got all the cables I need yet.

First question though… No doubt one of many! Sorry!

How do I get Sample the guitar into OT (A+B) WITH the F/Back audio added to the mix?

I have it set up:
guitar in on SuperAnalougue 1 and 2
Digitakt > Stereo 3-4
Digitone > Stereo 5-6
OT > EXT1 (L+R)
FX (Meris M7 and Polymoon) > EXT2 (L+R)
F/Back 1 (L+R) > FX (Meris M7 and Polymoon)

I tried Alt Mon Out but its very quiet and I cant monitor what I’m sampling through my speakers. Then I tried Bus B Out and the levels are much better, I can monitor the audio I’m sampling, but I cant sample the FX on the F/Back?

Starting to think I need to use the d25 for insert send /return for FX send/returns and possibly Channel 1+2 alt input for the Octatrack… but then I couldn’t send stereo 3-4 + 5-6 into any FX loop :thinking:

Sorry, rambling on now…


Hey @brucegill i am busy today and wont be able to check out my setup to remind myself …but can you get any help from my and maybe others posts in this thread about routing? Ive got an fx loop thru one of the fbacks using 5/6 (i think).



Thanks Sam.

I’ve swapped stuff around so guitar in on 1+2 and the FX comes in on one of the stereo channels. Then they all get sent to bus B out to OT…

Considering the D25 route but not quiet got my head around that yet.

Starting to all sink in now :slight_smile: so many ways of doing things and pretty complicated for me as I’ve never had a mixer before. But damn, the ways you can use this are endless.

The way I’m routing things at the moment covers my needs for getting stuff into the OT. I think I was hoping for a little less re-routing of cables for each use, but I guess that’s a downside of a small mixer - and one I can live with considering the benefits and sound quality.

Really pleased so far! Sound quality is spot on and just what I wanted. The master compression is lovely.

Just need to get my head around the options that open up when using the D25 in/out.


Just spent a few hours reworking a track for my wife. It’s completely the opposite to the sort of music I like to make, its more a show tune Ballard that she’s written, sung on and then has midi piano, strings, bass and drums. I only had 4 outs from Logic and my Focusrite (looks like I can get two more from spdif going into a DAC :slight_smile: ). So I ran all of it out to one of the stereo inputs and then doubled the vocals to 1 & 2 on the Six. Added some reverb to the vocals with the Meris on stereo sends coming back in on ext 1&2. Added a little bit of compression on the vocal channels as well and some eq, then the Compression on the main bus.

Dammmmmmnn. It sounds massive! Just amazing. It’s gone from sounding like it’s in a small box to this huge space, really warm and punchy too. I’m honestly gob smacked. And earnt some browny points from the wife too :smile:


I’m preparing a review for the 1010 Bluebox, and figured I’d compare this with the SSL SiX in terms of workflow and how differently they can be used in one’s pipeline, depending on what you need. So it’s not a vs thing, more like what a class act traditional mixer can bring and what a next gen digital mixer can bring. If anyone’s interested, here’s the track, summed, mixed and mastered through the SSL SiX -


Will check that out tomorrow, but looking forward to your review! Will be interesting to hear your point of view for sure and differences in the finished project. The new Bluebox looks great - not sure I’d swap my SiX for one, but can see them selling well!

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Looking forward to the review and comparison tune. I have a lot invested in my SiX setup, and I really like it. The bluebox definitely has its appeal, and is especially compact, but I’m not sure I’d make the switch either.

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Well, I don’t use the routing much, but the eq and compressors and the summing, of course. It really does open up a track, so it’ll be interesting to see what multi-tracking, onboard fx and such things will bring and how much of a real difference it will make. The Blackbox has a strong and clear output, so it could be that it’ll sound great through any solid mixer and then it comes down to what else they bring to the table and how that might be appropriate for any particular workflow.