Solid State Logic six compact mixer

I love tivoli designs

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Ok just got an octatrack, which really really really is what ive been looking for vocals for the past 5 years.

Now routing it thru SIX, with major channels needing to be,
SIX ins:

  • ch 1 is vocals
  • ch 2 guitar
  • 3/4 rytm
  • 5/6 octatrack in
  • ext 1 REV2

SIX outs

  • monitor outs to loudspeakers
  • alt out to monitors
  • bus B to OT AB
  • foldback out1/2 to OT CD

Anybody think theres a more versatile way? Or just different configs with different set of pros?

Reasons why i might want to use OT cue out?

Ok thanks for your thoughts.

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Is it possible to do dub style mixing on the Six well? Been looking into the Six vs the x - desk. This is the kind of mixing I’m talking about:


I’ll have to reread this thread since apparently the current $1149 price is temporary, so I’m kind of tempted. I can use my current mixer to submix if the six inputs are not enough.

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You couldn’t do the particular mix he’s doing in the video on the SiX because he is already maxing out 8 channels and 3 sends on the x-desk. The six only has 4 channels and 2 sends. If you want to do this style of mixing and it must be an SSL and you have the budget for an x-desk, then maybe you are better off with 2 x SiX. That you have enough channels plus the EQ’s, compressors and preamps which the X-Desk does not have. You will also have a few hundred$ in change to buy yourself a nice echo.


This place has them for $1,100 right now.


Nice find! $99 less than the competition is no joke.


I bought my Neve 5254 from that store. Good people.


While doing some research, I came across this article, which I see was posted back in June. I like how the author detailed what device goes into what input, as well as signal routings.

The use case looks close enough to mine for the SiX.

The earlier discussion on the DB-25 cables was informative. I’ve never used channel inserts - only aux busses, so I can hold off on getting DB-25 cables.


Anybody here using the SiX and running it into the SSL2+ by chance?

How do you chain two sixes?(im curious I have one and I wish it had more channels)

Are you able to track your gear AND mix stems from your daw with this setup without any cable resetting? No patchbay right?

I don’t think there is a “proper” way to chain or cascade them. It would be easy enough so just run the master out from one into an external input on the other; the problem is getting an aux send on each one to send into the same effect or headphone mix. This would require workarounds depending on specific use.

To take the Prince Fatty dub @no_camo was referring to:
The drums, bass, gtr and keys go to a spring reverb, so those would go to the 4 channels on mixer 1 and send to to the spring reverb from mixer 1.

The vocal and the dub siren go to a second reverb and to the echo (which feeds back on itself from the mixer, not internally) so those 2 sources and the echo return would go to 3 channels on mixer 2.

The sources on mixer 1 can’t send to the echo and the sources on mixer 2 can’t send to the spring reverb in this configuration, unless those particular fx boxes have dual inputs which can be summed to mono.

You would certainly find yourself doing a lot of patching back and forth if you went that rout,depending on your needs; but you would be doing it on a pair of SSL’s

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Can anyone chime in on how the mic pres sound? This looks like a stellar mixer for a right now stellar price. Thinking if the pres are good maybe I’ll flip my 500 series.

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If I wanted to route one of these bad boys into my Octatrack how would I do it? Bus B Outputs into the OT?

I don’t have one yet but think I might pick one up…

Using Bus B is a good option to prevent a feedback loop. Unfortunately the Bus compressor cannot be applied to Bus B.

And to the best of my knowledge, if you use one of the sends for external effects and brings those back on an ext inputs, you can’t get that on bus B either.

You could also use one of the sends to go to OT

would it be better to get XLR to 1/4 inch cables for the main outs into the OT?

You can use the fold back/cue sends as sends for the octa. There 4 of them that can be used mono, stereo, mono/stereo. Just like the octatracks inputs!!

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Tell us why you think you need or what is your purpose for routing a mixer into an Octatrack, and maybe that can help someone help you