Solid State Logic six compact mixer

This makes sense. Thank you

@Joe_b my purpose is mainly to just sample synths/bass guitars and stuff I have lying around without having to continuously reconfigure everything and dig behind my desk for cables.

And also to have flexibility shaping sound.

Sounds like this way I can also use the main outs into my apollo and use the sends for the OT.

how many in and out do you have on the Apollo?

Yea I have the main XLR going to digital recorder, monitor outs to my monitors, the fold back sends to my octa. Then my digital return and octa output go to aux inputs which can be cut from the mix, if need be, at the press of a button.

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apollo x4 (4 inputs) but I also have the uad 4-710d hooked up with ADAT. I imagine at some point I’ll expand with an apollo 8…

I would do something very similar to what @Ahaas1138 suggestedsketch.pdf (348.1 KB)

This way you can record individual channels to the appolo via Cue 2 or sample channels to the Octa from Cue 1, or record the full SSL mix to the appolo. If you want to (re)sample everything that’s going on you can add a connection from apollo out 3/4 to Octatrack C/D, that way it is after the SSL main mix with the compressor.


this is super helpful to visualize :pray:

I ordered one from Front End Audio (best Black Friday deal I found). Can’t wait.


Would be using this with an Apollo 6x - I also have an octopre for 8 additional in out.

With the SiX if I have 4 instruments running into the first four (2 mono / 2 stereo) channels and two effects into the sends returning into the inputs that have trim control on the top right side of front panel… if I use db25 in the back to and from my interface - is it possible to NOT have to rewire the mixer to track gear AND then route stems from the daw to mixdown back into the daw?


If you mean the the External Inputs then I don’t think those have trim controls.
Other than that the setup you described with the DB25 should work fine without rewiring.

I think these are the two ext in volume controls for the returns

Not 100% on this, but I think the pots control the level for fold back 1 and 2. The ext 1 and ext 2 labels refer to the switches that select the source for the fold backs.

Nah those pots are external in +/- 10db
Edit: the external ins are below that.

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My ssl six just arrived. Sounds INCREDIBLE.
Question: I’m running db25 out to my interface and daw. Can someone please explain how I can have ch1-6 track independently? Atm I can only see ch 1 and 2 as their own tracks - prefade. And then all tracks are summed post fade in a main mix channel and then another version of a stereo mix. Is there a way to stream all channels out independently?



Yes, via the ST/Cue outs, but you will lose them as Aux sends. Can also route ch1 and 2 out via Bus B. Hard pan for individual outs. There are no direct outs, just re-routing options. You could also use the CH1 and CH2 insert sends as direct outs for those 2 channels.


I don’t think you can send six separate channels through the DB25. Here is a diagram that shows the ins and outs. You may be able to get a couple extra outs using the cue’s, but I don’t have one in from of me to test it out.


anyone care to share some thoughts again about this mixer being that you owned it for some months now?

maybe a conclusion.

did it meet your expectations?
how is the sound?

thinking about getting one myself.

only concern so far is the two mic pre inputs.

i have no intention in using mics and was wondering if that would be wasted money.


I have had it for nearly a year now and it was the best thing I purchased last year.

It has exceeded my expectations because I didn’t know how much the routing and monitoring options would benefit my workflow.

It sounds fantastic. Great headroom, overall very clean unless you push it hard, but even then it’s not very dirty by any means - always sounds nice.

There are actually three mic preamps when you count the talkback input. I use mics but still find value in the preamps beyond that. You could always use a TRS-XLR cable to use them as extra inputs for line level signals and at that point you get two switchable inputs for channels 1 & 2. I use one xlr input to power my bass preamp pedal with phantom power and enjoy that a lot.

It’s the best mixer I could ask for and is a great hub to my ever-shifting hybrid setup, which can sometimes be all hardware or all daw depending on how I’m feeling. Everything just sounds great though it.


how do you like the g-series bus comp?

is it mandatory on all mixes?

my perspective is i would use this mixer as an all-in-one mix/mastering.
so the bus comp would be my only “glue”.

i think its a good starting point for me also to get more familar with routing, while learning how to be sufficient with compression.

I’ve had it for a year now. I use it for everything. I just finished an EP, and I did all my summing, mixing and mastering on it and recorded straight into my Zoom. No daw involved. The Blackbox into the SiX and that was it. No way I’m ever selling this.


I’ve recently started experimenting with the compressors on the SiX and I’m getting more comfortable with how to apply them for subtle enhancement, as well as in scenarios where you want to be a little more heavy-handed. Mind you, I’m using the SiX as my mixing/mastering stage, so I am not pushing the bus compressor too hard most of the time. At any rate, I’m no expert, but I do think the bus compressor does its job well. Being that I mostly use it subtly, the effect is subtle, but that’s what I’m usually going for. I should try some A/B comparisons just to satisfy my curiosity. One thing I can say is that being only 2 knobs, it is very simple to use, and doesn’t take much effort to dial in a setting, or change a setting when you’re working on a different project.

Edit to add: Barring me taking the nuclear option and selling everything except my OT, the SiX is here to stay in my setup. Even then, using the Main and Cue outs of the OT, I could probably justify keeping the SiX, haha.


You totally could. In my darkest hours, I sometimes consider going back to the OT and work it through the SiX. I learned not too long ago, the OT has similar free running modes as the Blackbox, as far as clip launching and sequencing go. To this day, that insight still troubles me.