Solid State Logic six compact mixer

I love the g-bus comp and run all my mixes through it, as well as using it while tracking instruments. A solid limiter plugin is all I need after it to finish the track.

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For a mix that is composed of something like pop/rock/dance instruments, I’d say yes, because it works beautifully. But as they say, “rubbish in, rubbish out”, so it’s not necessarily mandatory if your mix is good.
I can say the g comp works great for solo piano, and piano with vocals, acoustic guitar with vocals, and I would always use it. But again, not mandatory. (The comp on ch1 and 2 work here))
The only time I don’t feel like using the g comp is for something that’s completely airy, like two or three synths slowly leaking soft pads.


Does anyone know if it is at all possible to route ext1/2 to Bus B?

I believe you can only switch the EXT 1 & 2 to the Main or Foldback outs. But maybe someone else would know a workaround.

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My favourite SSL SiX moments are two -

First, when you just plug in your material into the six inputs and sum it. Even when nothing else is going on, the whole thing just opens up, becomes wider.

Second, when I’m done adjusting pans, volumes, gains and stuff. And reach for the eq first, then the ch1 / ch2-compressor and the G-compressor.

It’s like I’m already looking forward to hearing whatever I’m doing, once I’ll hear it in the SiX.

Does anyone use the SSL SiX with 80ohm headphones? I have a pair of DT770 80ohm and there’s loud hard crackling when turning the headphone volume past 12o’clock. However I borrowed a 250ohm headphone and the problem was gone. I guess 80ohm is not enough or is there something wrong with mine?

Try your headphones with a different source

I have a pair of 880’s I use with no issues. I believe they are 250ohm though?

I use 80ohm DT-770 Pros without this issue. I do get a little static noise turning the headphone level after powering on the Six, but that goes away after wiggling the knob back and forth a couple times. That said, I can’t turn the headphone volume up past 9-10 o’clock without blowing my ears out, so maybe I haven’t experienced your issue for that reason.

I use them half the time and the DT990 250Ω too. No crackers for either. Yours might be failing, but can’t say I use them past noon on the SSLsix

I only get the loud crackling in the SiX headphone output and not in any other source but it may be the headphones anyway. I did once get the headphone cable rolled over and entangled in the wheels of my office chair and sometimes I get the feeling that they become mono headphones temporarily :thinking: crackling is however constant above a certain knob level

Maybe it’s the 1/8-1/4" adapter?

Just thought I’d drop this here.
SSLsix channels in 500

Or if you wanted to go crazy spending


What’s this 500 thing? Is it like building your own mixer, modular style?

So I could essentially rob the above mentioned banks and create a six channel SSL with eq on all, and the g-bus compressor at the end? I could live without the drum compressor, it’s cool but I don’t use it much of the time. But the end of chain compressor on the SiX, that’s a kind of magic.

Much of the routings, I don’t use, though the different monitoring, I use all the time. Again, I could live without those two, if the trade was a six channel all in eq SSL Mixer with compression at the end.

Close. 500 series is more like building a single channel strip, modular style, and it costs as much as a prophet 5… For a single channel of processing. This SSL unit, though, has a lot of function packed into one slot.



So I can’t get like three of these EQs and then say “Now I have a three channel mixer?” Doesn’t work like that?

Not that I’m gonna go for this, no way I can afford it, I’m just curious.

Essentially, if there was a six channel mixer out there with the quality of the SSL SiX Eq and g-bus compressor, and it did only that, I’d be happy. I could easily lose most of the SiX routings if it mean getting a fully fledged micro environment for just shaping the core sound.

Yeah, not quite. You’d have three (mono) processing channels, but not the mixer part. You would still need a solution for that.

Oh wait, I should clarify – that’s with the first item, the six channel. The bottom over it’s a stereo processor, but of course, it’s double wide.


If we keep talking about it, then maybe SSL will make it?

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These looks very cool! I am thinknig of getting a 500 series rack some day and both of these looks nice. Mostly after a stereo eq for my master bus, but a six channel could be cool for the once or twice a year i record some vocals or guitar.

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