Solid State Logic six compact mixer

Have you considered one of these for routing your pedals?

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Really wish this had EQ on the stereo channels.


Yeah i’ve never quite understood this mixer. But then i’ve only used relatively basic mixers in the past (Spirit, Mackie)

I’m not sure if I’m reading you right, but it sounds like you should be using TS instead of TRS cables. Or TRS split to two TS for the El Cap return to mixer, and the reverse for the cue out to the Particle.

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Yeah I did wonder.

Thankfully I’ve got the necessary bits.

I think the rule I should be following is to use 2 x inputs and outputs wherever the mixer has this for stereo. For some reason I imagined the mixer was so magical that it might do something phenomenal with the single TRS stereo signal… good job I didn’t say that on ‘the gear page’…I might get hounded out amidst a sea of ridicule.:stuck_out_tongue:

Looks fascinating.

Though my acceptable hobby spending might be maxed out in my household until 2022…lest eyebrows be raised, or it’s politely suggested that I find an additional source of income :wink:

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I think the SiX will sum a mono signal to center on input if the right input is unplugged. But not on output from the cues.

In your setup, you were only sending the left (or right) signal to your FX chain (which is coincidentally fine because you seem to only have mono sources). Your stereo return from the FX is reduced back to mono when you plug it to only one side of the external input, and then the SiX centers that signal in the stereo field. (all, afaik). Yep, filling up those stereo ins/outs is the best option :slight_smile:


Thanks for setting that one straight.

What a marvellously helpful forum this place can be! :slight_smile:

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For mono signals (especially when routing to pedals), I would suggest using TS cables. While I don’t think you will experience anything odd with the TRS here, it’s worth checking. I think, as long as the particle is set up for receiving a mono signal, you should be good on that end. However, the output is always stereo, I think, so I’m not sure about that side. I experienced phase cancellation (only evident when I hit the “mono” button on the SiX) when using TRS cables from Elektron machines. Not all balanced connections are equal, as I learned.

Ha - I know what you mean! Stick with it, it will make sense once you sort out the routing you need.



I just had a bit of a switch out and a change around and things seem to be working like a charm now. I was in fact completely charmed for almost 1 hour, with the Six mediating a simple Subharmonicon motif, sliding in and out of 2 separate effects loops. I didn’t even notice my wife was taking a photo of me.

I routed a dual TS (to TRS) into the Particle and a single TRS into the Mood (as I ran out of TS cables). Lovely stuff! Felt the mojo good and proper.


How are you liking the MOOD as a send effect? I never would have thought of using it that way, but maybe I should have (when I had it!).

How are you liking the MOOD as a send effect? I never would have thought of using it that way, but maybe I should have (when I had it!).

Honestly, I’m only just starting to realise its delights.

It’s been really engaging to record something into the micro-looper and then play with the subtleties of that side of the pedal. It almost becomes an instrument unto itself. With a second reverb send on the Six, it also brings a great contrast in texture if I drop all the reverb on the Mood send chain and have the “dry” glitchy artificacts doing their thing at a low volume, with some alternative reverb “space” provided by the second send. If that makes sense.
That’s what kept me on my feet last night for longer than I would usually stand in one spot!

Of course, it’s a different kind of pedal altogether but I actually find it easier to tame than the Particle, particularly in a chain. I’ve so far got the best out of the Particle when there’s not too much busyness going through it, with an instrument I can play in realtime. It can get a little disorienting if I have too much going through it and/or I’m not working subtly with the dials.

That’s interesting. I’d never thought to check.

Hi Sixers!

My digital recorder seems to be having a problem receiving a 2 track stereo input from the XLR outs of my Six. I made sure that it wasn’t a problem with the Six and ascertained that my digital recorder’s second XLR input wasn’t receiving a signal, but both XLR outputs were definitely outputting a signal (because I took the signal from each in turn and fed it to the first input on my digital recorder…no problem).

So, a quick question for those in the know.
I consulted the manual but didn’t get the surety I was after.

If I use the ’ main monitor out’ output and feed that into my digital recorder (which also takes TS inputs), is this effectively the same as feeding it with the ‘main’ XLR out?

I would do a bit of trial and error to help find out, but it could be down to whether or not my listening / level watching skills are nuanced enough, and I tend to get down to quick recording once my kids are in bed. Last night for example was spent fannying around with wires and it was almost bedtime by the time I had finished…so my questioning is admittedly a bit of a time-saver.

Any light shed would be greatly appreciated, as ever.

edit: the TS inputs on my recorder do receive a stereo signal when I input the recorder from the main monitor outs. I just don’t know if I’m short changing myself in the possible sound quality of what gets recorded.

don’t ditch the pedals. just unplug what you’re not using and put it aside. you have an awesome desk/workbench area there. just put the not-currently-used pedals on the lower shelves out of the way.


Assuming the monitor source is set to “main”, then I believe the answer is yes :slight_smile:



Thank ye very much.

Yes, I actually went down to 3, but the others are sitting patiently in a cabinet next to the desk. It’s kind of hilarious and somewhat humbling to see what grand ideas the mind comes up with versus what works well in reality. Sonic stumbling! :slight_smile:


Yes - this is accurate. If you have selected “Main” then you’ll be getting the same signal going out the main outs. I would say there should be no noticeable degradation in quality vs. using the main out (XLR) connectors. If it works, it works!


Curious to know if someone brought this mixer on stage or big PA? any downside or good review to tell ?

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