Solid State Logic six compact mixer

A little feature I stumbled upon recently: using the insert switches on channels 1 and 2 and pre-cue mutes. Quite handy when using the cues as FX sends. Happy SiXing :slight_smile:


Hi there,

Total noob here. I don’t own the SiX but am considering it for live performance.

I have a simple question to the kind owners:

I have two Eventide pedals (Space and TimeFactor) and would like to use them as insert FX via two separate channels, just by pressing a switch - my understanding of “insert FX” being that the full signal will be processed by the FX, the dry/wet being set on the pedal itself (much like an insert FX in a daw).

I don’t want to use my Eventides as Sends - my understanding of Send being that the processed signal comes on top of the dry signal.

Does the SiX allows that?

Thx in advance!

PS: I tried to find the answer in the manual, but this mixer looks quite complex and I’m not really comfortable with mixer terminology =]

You can on channels 1 and 2, but you need the break out cables, and the are mono send/return. There is also a stereo send/return on the master channel, also available with the break out cables. So short answers, not really.

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By breakout cable, you mean “D-sub”?
(just discovered this word…)

Yea! Sorry, D-Sub is the correct term

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I don’t know about the Eventides you have, but the H9 has a “kill dry” feature so that you can use it this way on a standard effect sends.

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The Space and TimeFactor as well.
The problem I have with that is that you still hear the dry signal when you use a Send on top of it - which is what the kill dry is for, unless I’m mistaken. This is not what I want.
For example, on my current mixer (Model 24) I can route the Space as an insert and use its filter to cut all the low frequency content in the source signal.
With all the flexible routing options it offers, I had hoped the SiX would have at least done the same as the Model 24 and enabled me to use an insert FX like in a DAW :-/

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Can you elaborate on this? Does this have the effect of eliminating the dry signal, so you only get the wet/return?


Ok I see what you are trying to achieve now, I can’t think of a solid work around for that unfortunately.

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If I’m understanding correctly I think you can achieve something like this. When you use the cues (prefader) as sends and external inputs as a return on upper right then bring the channel fader to zero you can still hear the sounds coming thru FX.


@cold_fashioned using the insert switches mutes both the dry signal and the send of the dry signal. So the wet is also muted (except for any tails). Muting using the Bus B mute switches mutes the dry (technically, it takes it away from the main bus) but keeps the send active. It is really convenient to have both options :slight_smile:

@Struggle I was going to say the same thing. Mute the dry and you will have only the wet.


Cool, many thanks for your explanations!

Just to split hairs a bit further (ha ha), would it be possible to use the “Alt” busses - or whatever - to achieve that?

Sure, you could use the Bus B in the same manner (“alt” on the SiX refers to alternate monitor outs, no help there). You would still need to return the FX on an input. One switch to mute the dry and another switch to bring in the FX.

What about just going from synth > FX > SiX? And then using the pedal’s footswitches/controls?

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Ha ha, indeed, that would be a simple solution.

However, I got spoilt with the Model 24: I can record full performances with wet and dry at the same time, except on the master tracks, that reflects what you hear, obviously.

This is an advantage because when it comes to edit a live perf (which is my focus), I can always choose to keep or not the FX processed parts.

Not being an audiophile nazi, I’m actually pretty satisfied with the Model 24, but it’s big and not really transport-friendly (I always keep live performance in mind, in spite of the current situation). As I drastically reduced my setup (2 sound sources and 2 FX only), I don’t need all the channels. And I heard wonders about the SSL sound, so I’d like to experience it first-hand :slight_smile:

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I was thinking this could be a solution too.

@Omar – Overall, I’d say the SiX (while it is a great mixer) is meant more for a studio / recording environment. For live use, you’re probably better with a Mackie or something straightforward like that (and cheaper!). I feel like the nuances of the SiX would be lost in a club/PA system. Of course, I say that without knowing your venues/genres/etc.

@Affectionate-Bee-781 – Ah - I get you now. I was thinking too many layers deep, when you were just talking about the convenience of being able to use the Insert switch as a channel mute. Yeah, that’s a handy little trick. I haven’t really taken advantage of stuff like that in my usage yet.


Don’t forget, there’s also the “alt” button on ch1&2 for adding the DB25 alt input.
@Omar I’m not entirely sure I understand your fx issue, but if I understand you correctly, you can use the channel slider to mute the incoming synth and use that channels “st cue 1” or st cue 2 volume pot to control the vol sent to the fx on that cue send, then control the return vol to an “Ext” in with its vol knob.

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Thx for your input!
I was more after an instant switch, much like the bypass button on an FX.
I know I could just use the bypass switch on my pedals, but I have two of them and this would mean daisy-chaining them, which is not ideal.
I would like to be able to use them freely on either of my sound sources (currently just an OP-1 and a Norand Mono), e.g. sometimes use the Space on the Norand, and the TimeFactor on the OP-1, and maybe change that later.
Basically I would need the flexibility of Send FXs but with Insert FXs, and using instant switches instead of faders.
I could achieve that on my Model 24 - in a convoluted way - so I’m quite confident the SiX would enable me to do that as well (probably through the use of breakout cables), as it seems to offer much more routing options.



Interesting find. That’s alotta dough though.

Wow, this could be cool. A lot of people have asked for basically twice the amount of channels on the six. I wonder if they did that, and are adding a couple more controls to the master buss compressor, and maybe there’s room on the back so you don’t need to use a db25 for some things. I also wonder if it will come with the updated channel comp circuit, like on the 500 series. Just guessing of course. Can’t wait to see how this unfolds. I just wish there was a picture!