Solid State Logic six compact mixer

Update from today - I learned a few things. The Rytm into patchbay idea isn’t really that great for me since the SSL inputs exposed from the Dsub are things like insert returns, which is not optimal.

So I ended up putting my synth into a free input in my RME and using SSL Chls 1 and 2 for mono inputs from the rytm. I sent the rytm main outs intoSSL stereo in 5/6. OT remains in 3/4.

This works pretty well since I can record multiple tracks with effects from the RYTM in through the SSL and then split out 2 tracks that I don’t want to effect (ex - kick/bass). The SSL really adds a lot to the kick with just a touch of EQ, and it gives the outputs of the Rytm some punch. Recording the Rytm directly into line outs is not that optimal since the output is low, it really benefits from a mixer like this.

Also took the SSL MON outs 7/8 out of the patchbay and instead plugged the Buss B outs from the back of the SSL in there. This lets me send the SSL 3/4 or 5/6 outs separately into the DAW if I want just by hitting mute.

So now on the Six, I still have the 4 External inputs open up top, plus both of the ST outputs and the monitor outputs. Additionally I have the XLR ins on 1 and 2 available when I want to switch to my other drum machine or record bass guitar.

Need to figure out the benefits of running the OTO’s through the SSL and how to do it. I guess with the delay I could send sounds into it and print them in that first take. But with the Boum, I guess I would get a parallel recording from that. Which could be cool, but the Boum also has a mix knob. Plus I’d like to track in first and then balance my drums out before printing that stereo file.

After that I need to figure out how to sum from the DAW back into the SSL and record that summed file in the DAW. I am thinking TotalMix can help with his, but so far I can’t seem to get sound out of the DAW. I am hoping I don’t have to unplug all the cables in the mixer first - has to be an easier way right?

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One thing I’ve found I really like to have as an option now, is having Main Outs and Bus B available on my patchbay. I run a Bim and Bam on the cues back in on the Ext In. This way I can sample either with FX or without. I run a Boum on the main insert too. So I can run a drum machine through the main insert, set my OT to Bus B and still monitor it in the monitor section - then sample the drum machine with the Boum and Gbus if I want.


Good stuff! Cues are absent from Bus B correct?

This is a pretty cool option for sure.

For multitrack recording it would mean that the sounds I send into the Boum are already set in a stereo file, which probably won’t work for multitracking the drums the way I want. I think I would prefer getting everything into the DAW and mixing a little, then balancing volumes and then running that stereo drum buss back into the SSL through the Boum. Of course, it sounds like I could do that if I get this set up right. I could essentially run that stereo drum buss back into the SSL main channel and activate the insert, and print that. Drums done.

This would also let me record the bass from my Rytm through the Boum and have that take + processing done while I record the kick and hats in dry.

Depends where you send them back to. If you send them to a spare stereo channel and send that to Bus B as well they’ll be there, but EXT1/2 can’t get sent to Bus B from memory. It does still send to the cues though, even if its assigned to Bus B if that helps.

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[quote=“BassesAndPads, post:702, topic:85552”]
Does the order matter since the manual on page 27 for the Db25 has Main L and R as the first 2 channels
[/quote] Not really. They’re just cables so you can send what you want where you want.

It’s good to experiment with the routing because some ways are going to offer more sonic potential than others.

Things I consider are:
Do I want to use the EQ or Channel Compressor? What about summing through the main mix compressor?

It’s called SiX, but there are 12 inputs and 12 outputs addressable with the DB25 cables in addition to a main mix send & return.


Yep thats what I have been thinking as well. I think I have that down pretty well, at least to start.

I just need to figure out summing back into the mixer next. I’d like to be able to do that without unlugging anything from it. I watched SSL’s video on summing 12 channels, so the basics all make sense but I can’t seem to get audio to go back into the channels from ableton yet. Once I get that, I think I will be all set with this thing. It may be something I need to figure out in TotalMix.

This mixer + TotalMix and a patchbay is a lot to wrap the mind around but I finally got it how I wanted it. Tried my OTO’s as an insert and Ext In on the SiX but it just didn’t work for whatever reason. The sound came back in Mono and the Main outs were in mono, it was a mess. So I have the Otos directly in my RME and can route anything into them - sounds great. The six has drums and Octatrack coming into it via the patchbay. I may try my synth directly into the Ext Ins again, as both of those are wide open, but I need to figure those out still. I think I basically just plug into them and use the Ext1 or2 buttons and knobs under foldback 1 to control volumes and they go through the mains.

Anyway now everything comes into my DAW as I wanted, with channels 1 and 2 on their own separate channel and then the SSL stereo mains on it’s own.

I believe with this setup I can route 3 stereo channels into the Six for summing. Haven’t tried yet because I am recording, but for channels 1 and 2, can I send directly into those and just hard pan them for 1 stereo channel? If thats all I need to do, then I finally got these thing set up how I wanted it.

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I can imagine. Keep plugging along, you’ve gotten this far this quickly, mastering it is something you can do.

Regarding the mono thing, troubleshoot that, because mine definitely does not sound like that.



Yeah its odd, I just used the Dsub Insert sends and returns from my patch bay. Honestly just a bit of a hassle to plug and unplug everything over and over and then figure out what was coming into what channel in TotalMix, but the good news is everything sounds great as is and I have 2 ext ins available. I wrote everything down and simplified the setup so things seem to make sense now. And once I got all that labeled in Total mix, of course I had to go into ableton and do it there as well.

The core idea of recording my drum machines and sampler in through the SSL and then summing out is working, so that is a victory for now. And honestly that is a pretty powerful setup, as just tracking a kick drum into the SSL with a little EQ boost makes it sound so much bigger.


I have a Duo gig tonight with my partner; we use loopers ( RC505 & Octatrack ) to build improvised tracks live, as well as perform more traditional compositions.
I’ve been using my SiX as a monitor mixer for us, and in rehearsal to deliver a good sound to a zoom camera.

The routing looks like this in rehearsal:
1&2 - electric drum pad -> Main Mix, Cue 1
3&4 - RC505 -> Main Mix, Cue 2
5&6 - Octatrack -> Main Mix, Cue 1
Cue 1 -> Singers Headphone mix
Cue 2 -> Octatrack CD ( set to Cue for my IEM’s )
Main Mix -> Zoom Q8
I’ll edit a portion of rehearsal and post it here. We were both pleased with the sound.



Make sure any channels on the Six that need to be are hard panned, and also on Totalmix and wherever else the sound is going are hard panned otherwise it will be mono.


Hi, really enjoying this thread and now waiting for a SiX to arrive. While I wait I’ve spent sometime thinking about how I might route things from DT, DN, OT, and Ableton. My main aim is to be able to avoid switching cables as much as possible, not always, but I’d really like to be able to just come up to my tiny desk switch stuff on and be able to get sounds moving. Additionally my goal is to be able to sample into the OT and use Ableton for send fx, along with also being able to sample into OT directly. (I do also sample into the DT from Ableton, but currently just use the USB audio for that.)

With all this in mind, the following is the mapping I’ve currently come up with.

As Ableton and the Six share the same pair of monitors, these are accessable to both via SiX’s main out. Initially, I had it the other way around, but this way means I don’t have to have my laptop open or on to use the rest of the setup. As I can send the main mix to the monitor out, which is going into my interface, I can always record whatever is going to the main mix into Ableton.

The main drawback I can see is that the setup does not currently support, via the SiX, directly sending the OT into Ableton, without going via the monitor bus, but I thought if this was something I wanted to do I can either use inputs 1/2 on my audio interface to send the OT directly or use inputs 1/2 on the SiX, which I don’t have permanently assigned, to handle this use case. As you can choose that EXT2 (OT) is sent to the monitor bus, I’m not sure this is really an issue, and probably just over thinking it.

Interested to know what people think and if there is a better alternative routing?

Was wondering when a decksaver would come out…I like to leave my cables plugged in though, so I’ll probably pass. I’ve been using my spare Digi-sized decksaver to cover the faders and most of the switches. Actually fits pretty well.


As cool as this mixer has been I have found myself thinking about letting it go. For my setup, it just makes everything incredibly complicated, and I lose a lot of i/o. Plus I seem to get the character I want summing into the OTO boum more than from the SSL.

Definitely a luxury item in my setup, still debating …


They do make a full coverage Decksaver (with somewhat goofy-looking jack coverage) here:

Trying to figure out how to use the talkback mic input but can’t seem to get any signal, is there any button I need to press to route it?

I moved my SiX the other day and noticed a rattling sound, so opened it up to check if anything had come loose and found the small bolt and washer that fixes the out/send DB25 lead to the bottom of the DB25 connector on the inside of the unit had come loose.

As it’s the bottom bolt (below the top bolt indicated by the yellow arrow in the pic), it’s basically impossible to get at without removing the back vertical circuit board which holds all the rear connections.

It feels a bit OTT to send this in for such a small thing but I don’t really want to leave it for various reasons.

I’ve taped the bolt and washer to the inside of the unit for now so they don’t get lost, and wondered if anyone had removed this back area for any reason, and if it was an easy job? I’m ok with bits of small jobs but I’m no skilled engineer.

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I have to say, after a few months with the TX-6 mixer, I really miss the push and pull of the SiX preamps and compressor. I don’t regret the switch, but the TX is very fragile in comparison :sweat_smile: