Solid State Logic .. SSL Big SiX

The big six is totally fine for anything you are wanting to do. Really anything better is just picking nits or a matter of taste/opinion. The big six converters are the same as used on their live sound consoles, and a lot of people like the sound of them. I was actually at a big studio and for some reason they had a tascam model 24 they were messing around with. The producer there said that in truth the preamps and converters on it would be fine for professional use, and the big six is definitely a step above the tascam lol.

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Does the power supply clicking sound get into the actual audio recording? I thought I had avoided this issue but leaning into one of my speakers today I realized it was happening. Iā€™m not in a huge rush to replace it (especially if SSL is coming up with a solution) since I donā€™t really notice it when Iā€™m actually working on music, but obviously any weird power supply noises in my tracks.

Funnily enough, despite the power supply problems everyone is having, this mixer fixed all of my ground issues. The electricity in my rental house is super shoddy and my BlueBox into SiX setup I previously had was always causing me problems (with my Moog Matriarch specifically).

True. The B6 is more than sufficient for every audio production. Personally Iā€™m very picky concerning the converter quality and the audio chain - thatā€™s why i am apogee user. To my hearing experience the difference is to have goosebumps when hearing music (apogee) or not (other converters). But thatā€™s my personal fate. :innocent:

It arrived today. It was very easy to set up and get the routing ready for my lessons. Super happy to have everything working again. Going to reconnect the patch bay tomorrow.

This thing sounds ridiculously good. Coming from db4 as an audio interface, which wasnā€™t that bad, the difference is quite bizarre. Didnā€™t think it would make such a difference, but it really does. The depth and separation of sound is beautiful. Going to explore the summing part in the next few weeks but I can already hear it will be great to glue elements together.


My music partner Mike has had one for a month and reports the same thing. Heā€™s hearing a major improvement in his recordings, which were already super dynamic and high fidelity. Canā€™t wait to run some stems through itā€¦


I think the answer is ā€œnoā€, but is there a way to route from the DAW to a cue send (without using up one of the 8 channels)? Like, is there a big ā€œUSB 9/10 to Cue 1ā€ Iā€™m missing somewhere?

You can use the external ins for this. You can use USB 13/14 and 15/16 to the external ins and route them both to cue one and/or two.

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Ah yessss thatā€™s incredible. What a workflow powerhouse this thing is. Thanks!

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Haha yeah the flexibility really is quite something, isnā€™t it?

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Did you end up doing this? Iā€™m looking at buying an ERM but similarly do not want to waste a channel. I do have an Apollo Solo but I havenā€™t tried setting it up as an aggregate device. Iā€™m out of town but can test it when Iā€™m back.

Sadly not as Iā€™m in the middle of studying for exams so havenā€™t the time for music. I intend to try soon though, however I donā€™t have a spare interface atm. would be very interested to hear your thoughts once you try this idea. Iā€™m concerned about the possibility of increased latency when creating aggregate devices.

Forgot to mention you may want to check out the Midronome, looks very similar to Multiclock but a simplified version. Iā€™m curious about it considering the price

Iā€™ll test the aggregate device setup and run some LFOs / clocks out of the Apollo to my modular setup to see if thereā€™s any perceptible impact on the B6 before picking up the Multiclock (responding to your other reply - Iā€™m kind of an all or nothing kind of fear purchaser so Iā€™ll likely go for the Multiclock :man_shrugging:). Iā€™m not gonna do any serious testing because I find that anytime I read / gather serious measurements I start thinking about things other than just making music BUT Iā€™ll report back to see if it works as intended!


Cheers, that would be ace. The Multiclock is a real life saver; once you have the settings in place it remains consistent. I just save a template and everything is ready to be tracked. Iā€™m hoping an aggregate device wonā€™t lead to random inconsistencies making it impossible to figure out a set and forget template.

got a Big SiX and have encountered the PSU noise in monitors issue.

in the spirit of optimism iā€™ll share here what the decent chap from SSL told me on the phone just now, sorry if itā€™s repeating stuff but thought only right to update with latest.

Itā€™s a known issue with the power supply on some models in varying degrees of severity. SSLs engineers are working hard to solve this and are expecting a recall to fix affected units.
There is also a firmware update in the works to address some USB issues.

Not ideal but seems they are on it and want to resolve ASAP.
Aside from that and one of my CUE send ON buttons not latching (which will also be resolved) this unit is pretty special and sounds bloody amazing.


Thanks for the update! Iā€™m not looking forward to having to send my unit back again but it is good to hear that they are working on a fix.

Thatā€™s very unfortunate.
Guess Iā€™m one of the lucky ones as my unit is perfectā€¦no noise issues.

And the sound. Itā€™s weird. I didnā€™t really think about the upgrade in sound quality when buying this. I bought it mainly for its routing flexibility. But manā€¦ Every time I listen to music I know well, I scratch my head thinking I thought it couldnā€™t sound better with the setup I had before (xone db4), but the difference is huge ! It really amazes me.


Iā€™d love to hear more about the sound improvements youā€™re hearing ā€”better bass clarity? Non-muddy mids? Just everything?

I think we all end up taking our sound/monitoring systems for granted since we hear them every day. Iā€™m not in the market for a new mixer any time soon but Iā€™m very curious about what else is out there, seems like a massive way to upgrade your whole music operation.

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yes the headroom is quite something and possibly the main thing i hadnā€™t considered with my crappy yamaha thing before.
coupled with quality amps, eq and compressors it just sprinkles magic on the signal.
really exposed a few old crappy mixes too, now iā€™m getting used to mixing into the bus compressor and iā€™m not sure thatā€™s healthy, but it just sounds so good


Itā€™s multiple things. More clarity and depth are the most obvious. It really feels like my monitors are now being utilized to their fullest. Before the sound was already projected in front of you so that the speakers almost disappear and the sound appears in front of you. But nowā€¦ It seems like thereā€™s an even greater level of that depth that I never would have realized had i not upgraded. Iā€™m not a big fan of describing sound because it is very hard to do. Certainly because in this case it is compared to another mixer.

The thing is that first I thought that it might be a psychological thing. I didnā€™t do an AB test or anything so Iā€™m always very sceptical when it comes to this stuff if itā€™s not a direct comparison. But the sound really surprises me everytime I listen to music I know well. Itā€™s weird. Iā€™m certain that itā€™s not a bias thing because i didnā€™t really think there would be a difference so I didnā€™t actively listened for it. and neither was it the reason for upgrading.

Big six really surprised me. The thought of using this thing live one day even crossed my mind :sweat_smile:

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