Solid State Logic .. SSL Big SiX

my B6 developed an issue today - my from USB 9/10 stopped working. I have the from USB 9/10 button engaged but no sound coming through the B6. if I route the same audio from Ableton to any other channel on the B6, everything works as expected. could it be I’m missing something obvious? all my I/O is routed correctly on Ableton

did you solved the problem? now I’m starting to get scared.
you did the fix of ssl by inserting it into the mixer yourself, right?

all the best
i send you strength

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Sadly not. I sent a support ticket to SSL, let’s see what they say. The retrofit mod is very easy, I can’t believe this issue developed through any fault of my own. I was very careful. The desk worked fine for a few days afterwards, no idea. Perhaps I will go back in and see if there’s anything not in place.
Thanks for the well wishes :slightly_smiling_face:

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Did you maybe engage the cue outs to usb 9-10?

I disengaged every button except ‘usb from’. all channels work except for 9/10. upon closer inspection I can hear the signal coming through very quiet buried underneath noise when all levels on B6 are pushed to max, this is despite a very loud signal from Ableton

I should probably open the hood again.

Thats strange. Could it be that one of the flatcables wasnt seated properly again after installing the mod? That would be an easy fix and might cause the issue you are experiencing

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I’ll have a look tomorrow, fingers crossed! It was working fine for quite a few days since I did the retrofit however

I’ve just gotten a reply from SSL in response to my May 2 support message. They’ve sent on the new kit and all of the instructions. I’ve been holding up breaking out the snakes and getting the whole thing wired into my patchbay, so I’m excited to get it updated, tested and then installed.

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Someone on here has a Big Six and a Platform Studio Desk by Output. I’ve seen a picture on the forum somewhere with the Big Six sitting on this desk…. Anyone know who it is? I’ve got that desk and looking at the big six, but this phot really would help see it and how much space it took up. A

It’s me, let me head out to the studio and take a quick photo for you centered on the desk, things have been changed quite a bit since last photo lol…

Edit: here ya go:


Thanks so much!!! That’s a great help.

Amazing setup too!

Got the power adapter kit for the Big Six from SSL and installed it today. It does get rid of the weird clicking noises from Moogs, etc… but the Delta power supply is still much quieter when you crank any gains than the OEM supply.

The DC offset thing with the USB into the computer is still not corrected by this though. Hopefully they are still working on a firmware for this part, anybody hear anything on this lately?


I had a reply from them yesterday .

“We have a firmware update that is in the final stages of testing (we are making sure that it works with all variants of OS”


Just received back my BiG SiX and indeed tested the parallel compression with the same constraint! I have to look for a solution, but seems that parallel compression is not usable with insert.

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Looking more in detail, the B-bus can be used as send and then be return to the Sum IP to Main making an additional stereo insert or even a bus insert.
But it is no solution to drive the parallel compression

I finally took the time to install the retrofit kit. It took me about 40 minutes inlcuding unplugging/replugging all of the cables, gathering the tools and such, but I worked very slowly and carefully. You can do it in 30 minutes or less.

It’s an easy operation and the Big Six seems to work properly, but nevertheless I’m a little underwhelmed how SSL handled this issue. It took them very long to react. They didn’t reach out proactively to their customers. The guide for the retrofit kit stated that an ESD wristband is needed (which most users won’t have). They didn’t even provide the needed hex tools nor the sticker to prove that the kit has been installed.
And not one word of apology about us having to install the kit to make their product work as expected – and finally still buying a better PSU to achieve the best audio quality.

Not exactly what I expect when buying a premium product at a premium price point.


My thoughts exactly! When you buy a $25 table from IKEA, you get the freaking hex wrenches! And the ESD wristband warning was cheeky. It would have been nice to have some words of apology with the kit and a small gesture like a t-shirt or some plugins. Sending us plugins for the inconvenience would have cost SSL nothing. Some kind of recognition that they messed up and appreciate us as customers. The experience was like going to a restaurant that messes up your meal, takes hours to get out the right order, and just throws it at you with no tableware or apology.

Edit—almost forgot the cheap*ss slow shipping. Instead of sending it directly from the UK, the kits all got shipped to LA, and then by ground back to the east coast.


Yes as a SSL owner (not Big Six) piss poor service indeed that a customer has to reach out to them.

They have stayed off the Gearspace forum also during this mess when they have been active in the past.

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I was keenly interested in this mixer but the fact that it even had this problem in the first place is terribly off-putting. And the way they handled it all has definitely provided the final nail in the coffin.


I’ve been told the firmware update is being released later on today.

after further troubleshooting my ‘from USB 9/10’ button issue works no problems using a USB-C to regular USB cable but not USB-C to USB-C. very strange