Solid State Logic .. SSL Big SiX

There’s also the 500 series Ultraviolet EQ which is an extension of the Violet EQ on the Fusion - they had a massive price drop recently, and do look really interesting (especially for the price).

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Yeah, mate of mine who has lots of SSL gear, suggested a 500-box might be the option to go here. A two-channel Violet EQ, compressor and stereo enhancer, and I’m good.

Or so he says :slight_smile:

Though I do like the whole eq per channel thing, and I tend to mix between 4-6 channels per song.

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Yeah, noticed you did mention about stripping things back and utilising your the space more. That could be a good approach. That, or a Big SiX or buy the SiX and Fusion back :smile:

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Nah, SiX and Fusion was a good sell, that move was the right one :slight_smile:

But I’d like to get back into that sound, but with a rig where I actually use most of the features from the kits I have. Most of the functions in the SiX, I never needed and the Fusion had two strong effects out of the six onboard, that made a real difference.

So there has to be a more optimised way to do this, disregarding the silly cost of just having a SiX and a Fusion when you’re a kitchen producer like m’self :slight_smile:

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I’ve checked out the plugs as well, but I think there’s a difference there that matters. So I’m not going the software route.

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Yeah, I have the plugins (bought in the sales), and they are ok but when I tried that session with the fusion at Analog Access the unit sounded miles better with that 3D depth etc.

I have the SiX and fancy something like a Fusion, but wondering if a 500 series would be a good route (as you mentioned), plus I can sneak that past the missus :slight_smile:

Those SPL BiG look really good for that stereo enhancement in 500 series. I’m sure there’s others also, but could work out cheaper in the long run.

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I had the fusion and had to sell it last year, once things settled I got a bus+ and it’s awesome. Both would be swell, but I really like the bus+. I’m in london if you wan to have a go.

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I think for what you want I would skip the big six and do some other sort of outboard gear. Unfortunately I don’t think there is a one box (or module) solution for mastering. If you want a good analogue mastering chain you really need to spend something like $20k, which is pretty much impossible for everyone besides professionals.

I have though a lot about this and I think I finally decided that the best way to go for some “affordable” analog character is just to buy two really nice channel strips (something like 2x Chandler Limited TG Microphone Cassette Channel Strip, or some Rupert Neve something, or whatever flavor you want) and do everything else in the box. The fusion is a decent stop gap (as you are fondly remembering lol) until you want to dive a little deeper.


I love the BiG SiX, and I love that it has EQs on all channels, compressor on the four mono channels, plus the Bus compressor. It goes a looong way to be able to tweak each track to the whole before even committing to recording.

That said here is a couple of things worth mentioning:

  1. The EQs, in my experience, is excellent tracking EQs, and boosting highs and lows can really bring out air, definition, and crucial low end to make things gel better, or stand out more. The peak/shelf options actually add versatility to the EQs as advertised. Having EQs on all stereo channels is also the most addictive thing when tracking, and it’s super hard going back to the SiX

  2. The mid EQ bands are so broad they are nearly useless. The mids just sound like they are boosting/cutting overall volume, and it’s almost impossible to sculpt sound with them. This is my experience, and I don’t want to argue. If someone have use of the mids, please chip in.

  3. I therefore don’t see the BiG SiX as a mixer to get close to a final mix, but rather getting your recording in a shape where it is easier to apply tweaks with software channel strips, etc. before sending it out for summing again. The USB sound card integration has some quirks, but it is bananas easy to work with.

  4. Compressor is good, and jamming with it on means you often start tracking once you’ve used EQ and compression to shape the sound into something that sounds good already, and just needs tweaks (and perhaps a song structure, lol)

  5. You still need to master after summing to two track.


Well, with the SiX and Fusion I reached a level of quality I was happy with, so I don’t think I need to spend 20K to get a decent rig. I just need to find a more precise combination of tools. I’m getting by with what I’ve got but that deep sound character, my tender little digital rig can’t quite reach.

But maybe a strong 2-channel solution is the way to go here.


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: I’m in Gothenburg. Should that change, I’ll let you know :pray:t2:

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I absolutely agree with everything here. Exactly how I felt when I had my big six!

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Searching for answers I’ve found this forum and reading through the posts I’ve read yours and you seem to me the one who could maybe have answer for my questions!
I’ve thought to buy an ssl big six to use like an external device for my MPC one in standalone mode.
Can you please give me some advice?

I had both (I no longer do anymore), but I never tried hooking the big six up to the mpc so I’m not sure if it works or not unfortunately.

Welcome to elektronauts!

Works like a charm on the Force, so should work just as well with the MPC One since it’s running the same base OS.


Hey thanks a lot!
Basically what I want to do is connect the two just with an USB cable an have specific track in specific big six channels.
Is it what you do with your Akai Force?

Exactly and you can also record channels from the B6 into the Force.

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Hi all, I’ve been eyeing up this forum for a couple of years since the big six was announced. Im looking to replace my Audient ID44 as I like the idea of analogue summing. I’m so close to the bullet but before i do. I was wondering if I could get some thoughts from those who own one, and if those who have purchased recently are still receiving the noise issue?

I only ask as I’ve tried fixing hardware myself before and have previously made things worse. I don’t want to spend 2k on a desk to have to open it up.

Thanks all!

This mixer is one of my favorite things I’ve ever bought. Had it since release. I’ve had mild annoyances with the interface; it’s sensitive to cable length and I have to cycle the power if I put my laptop to sleep while they’re connected, becuase it disconnects. But the analog portion of the mixer is rock solid and immensely flexible.

I’m not sure what noise problem you mean but if it’s digital clicking going to ground, I did have this problem and solved it completely with this device:

I live in an old house and often have grounding problems with digital gear, so this little thing is a godsend, and not just for the Big SiX.