Solid State Logic .. SSL Big SiX

This is pretty tasty isn’t it.


That metering is so dope. Love the layout.


There are no sends on this desk?

I guess you can use the two stereo Cue channels as two fx sends, and (by default) the summing inputs as returns. If the Six is anything to go by, there’ll be other options.

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I’m not so sure. The connections on the back panel seem a lot more straightforward than the little SiX. Also, with the addition of the interface, it’s possible that people would be more likely to apply sends / returns in their daw or in post-processing after tracking everything in. Though, anything is possible. SSL seems to have a lot of clever tricks up their sleeve.

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now we’re talking! so awesome. total all in one solution for home studios after high quality.

I find it odd this web shop is the only place online “releasing” info on it though. and the price being $1k more than the SiX with way more than double the features seems fishy. I mean, I would think the audio interface alone would be $1k… :thinking:


I think i see something on back that says “main bus insert” but not sure.

And theres the “insert” button still on the mains….

Theres no way in my mind theyd remove that insert. But im looking for any excuse not to want this!!!

Well, inserts or bus routing ain’t a send is it? I find it an interesting design choice to ommit one or two sends. I can’t live without at least one, hence I chose a Xone 96. Completely different beast :blush:

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On the Six, I used ST. Cue 1 & 2 as sends. You basically get two stereo sends that way. Each channel can switch into them, and has a knob to vary the amount. Then you return it into the EXT. 1 & 2 at the top right corner, which can be blended in with the main mix, or you could use another channel if you wanted to do it that way.

The Six also had an insert send and return for channels 1 and 2, and also for the Main Mix Bus, available via the DB25 connection on the back. But I don’t know if the Big Six will have those or not until we get more info/higher res photos.

Edit: Actually, looking at the front panel of the Big Six, each of the first four channels have an insert switch, so I am going to guess that they give you inserts on those channels.


That’s correct, sends on each of the super analogue channels


Like the SiX, the stereo Cue 1 and 2 are the FX Sends, and actually states so in the manual.

Also, I dont need this, which makes me so fucking happy :rofl: (got a SiX)


Another boring mixer?! Will they ever make them right?

Why do you think it’s boring?

This seems like everything a small, but high-end set-up needs, to me. I find it really exciting!

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Great to hear, thanks! I stand corrected, I didn’t know and this wasn’t meant as a critique but a genuine question of a lazy person who didn’t investigate on their own.

Luckily me neither, I’m happy with a Zone 96 :slight_smile:

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At least they put phase flip switching on the mic inputs this time. Such a stuff up on the SiX.
16 individual ADAC’s, not to shabby.

This seems just perfect to me. Everything I need, and very little I don’t.

Wow! This looks like a hit!

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Love this, certainly interested to see how the AD interfacing part holds up.


What would make it right?
I think it looks great. Do I need it though? Probably not.