Solo a track on Syntakt

Hello team,

Is there a way to solo a track on Syntakt ?

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Yes, just mute all other tracks. :content:

Any combo proposition ?


while in mute mode (not temporary mute), maybe function + trig keys?

I think that this would create undesired results a lot of times, soloing tracks when you really meant for the FUNC button to do something else (for example moving parameters to certain, preset positions).

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Func+Bank = Global mute mode (green)
Func+Bank*2 = Pattern mute mode (purple)

Func+Bank*3 = Global solo mode (blue)

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What if I’m nervous at a Live event and my fingers are shaking. :rofl:

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What about hold down a trig button in Mute Mode for a little longer to solo? (Solo activates on release, deactivates immediately when any other trig is short-pressed)

EDIT: Maybe not, just realized this conflicts with regular muting.

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Trig + Yes in Mute mode…


No combo, just double-tapping the Func button to enter or exit Solo Mode. Quick and easy and they could implement it on any device.


Sure would make live performance easier on the all the Digis, especially the DT and ST. Trying to solo anything in a live context by muting up to 11 other tracks gets ugly fast.

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It’s easier on AR where mutes are cue’d until function is released. I really like that behavior.

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OT has this feature too.

Wojld be interesting for Digis, but maybe it would be weird to use Func for this “cue mutes” function…