Can you solo tracks on the Rytm? Obviously I can mute the other 11 tracks but a dedicated solo function would obviously be better. I searched the forum and manual but didn’t find anything.
In Mute mode, hold RTRG button and press the tracks you want to solo.
You can solo a track that is mute. While there is one track soloed, all other are mute.
Once the last soloed track is deselected, you’re back to normal.
Ah great thanks for your help. Strange that searching the manual for “solo” shows no results!?
The quick guide does not mention soloing tracks, the user manual explains it in detail, though!
Hmm, maybe I downloaded the wrong manual lol
The quick guide is only 36 pages, full manual is 106.
Ah, this is great. Doesn’t exist on a DT as far as I can tell…
That’s awesome! Thx for the information! Alsways something new to be learned
Turns out I was searching the Analog Four manual oops
Haha, amazing. Where is this sub oscillator it keeps mentioning? I can’t find it anywhere!
This is why I don’t read manuals
Would be nice to be able to change the mute status of tracks while soloing a track, so you can bring in new tracks when you unmute
I just end up holding rtrg and bringing in those other tracks.
Agreed, it’s weird that mute/unmute of other tracks isn’t possible when anything is soloed… maybe it’s to avoid having to stack two statuses (mute state and solo state) but performance wise it’s a bit annoying
A (a bit clumsy) workaround:
When you hold [Function], you can tap several pads and basically cue them for muting/unmuting (also works on other Elektrons), only when you release [Function] those tracks will be muted/unmuted.
So instead of soloing tracks, hold [Function] and mute all tracks except those that you want soloed, then again with holding [Function], unmute your tracks - this way you can introduce additional tracks when you release [Function].
I’ve now sold the Rytm, but thanks for the tip. I’ll try this on my Analog Four.