Solo Machinedrum live set

Anyone have live sets to post that they did with just the Machinedrum? I am planning on putting one together on the Machinedrum alone since it’s the best Elektron. :wink:

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You might have to be the first one! :grinning:

I’m sure there are some good ones out there already though, and I’d be really keen on checking out some as well.

With the X.04 firmware update I’ve made several jams with just the MD. I’ve never made a full set with any electronic instrument though so taking up this as a challenge might be too much right now but I’m sure it’d be a fun one even if I didn’t succeed. :upside_down_face:

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I never have either. I figured this ol box of joy would be a good contender once the music world opens back up. People will be ready to dance to just about anything.

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Haha, seems like the chance of a lifetime for me then. :rofl:

Seriously though, out of the synths/boxes I have, the MD is the only one right now I could imagine doing a full (single-box) set of any decent length with. Not very proficient on it by any means but it’s a ton of fun right now!

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i’ve done it once or twice but there’s no evidence unfortuantely

Our very own @JustinValer had a couple up on the Tube at one point. Oliver Maass (spelling?) was another one I remember. These were a long time ago so maybe the vids are gone.

Yo @Tchu, how did your set go? Any chance you recorded it or would record it at home at some point? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m not sure about an Audio Recording but they did a Video of the Performance. I’ll have to ask them for the footage. Thanks for the follow up @korpinen.