Hi everyone,
just new to this forum and wanted to contribute.
I’ve bought an Analog Heat MKII this week and I really like it. Made a couple of great presets with a BPM synced LFO only to find out that it was next to impossible to line it up correctly with my song in the DAW.
Everywhere I looked people were having problems cause Overbridge does not reset the LFO when song playback starts, causing the effect to be out of sync by a random offset and is really annoying.
I did found a workaround on this forum but that involved sending a CV or connecting a pedal.
That clearly involves extra hardware and you might not have access to that.
Bummer. (Drumroll)
At least that what I originally thought…
I have found a solution/workaround for this, all in the DAW. This is what I did:
- Put Overbridge on a bus
- Routed my original synth sound through the bus (Synth 1)
- Routed a new synth with a saw init patch with no attack (Synth 2) through the bus
- Set my AH LFO from FREE to TRIGGER
- Make sure that my speed setting was x32 (or some other setting that syncs to the BPM)
- Inserted a couple of bars before my arrangement
- At the start of the song I inserted a note played by Synth 2
- Noted at what setting the envelope trigger is blinking red when I play Synth 2 (8.50 worked for me)
- I automate the threshold level to drop down from the previous step’s value to 0 (WHILST THE NOTE FROM SYNTH 2 IS PLAYING) <- Important!
This causes the trigger to stay open during the duration of the song.
LFO that stays in sync!
Note: you do have to start the song from the beginning in order for the sync to happen!
I have made a Youtube video explaining what I did in detail. Never did that before so be gentle
Best of luck.