*SOLVED*Analog Four does not sending audio to Abelton

Hello there,
i could not find any topic that is similar to mine, nor google didnt find me any solution.

I recently decided to try out Overbridge on my Live with A4.
after few hours of watching tutorials i still can not send audio information to individual tracks.
I already did:

  1. cofig from Abelton to receive midi from A4
  2. opened 4 individuals audio tracks with input config from Overbridge and set every track to individual (trk1,2,3,4) and of course arm session rec.

But yet, somehow the individual audio tracks does not get any info and not recording anything.
though i can hear the sum of the 4 tracks through the OB midi track or via the A4 outputs as well.
there must be something im missing, maybe in global settings or something but i dont find it.

Hope you guys might know of something or can share any good tutorial with me.

All the best,

USB mode set to overbridge mode?

Enabled the individual outputs in overbridge setup?

If you share what solved your issue other Eloktronauts might find this topic helpful too :wink:


Was it replacing your USB cable that solved it? Because that was totally my issue earlier today(the craziest thing-because it partially worked)

yes, eventually i found out that i missed enabling the outputs on OB setup…
in abelton VST i couldnt find it. and then i opened it as a standalone and it showed up.



Good to know! Thanks!